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The year was 1977 and Ed was going to come over to meet Beth's parents. Ed pulled up in his Jeep and parked on the grass. Me: Hey Ed! Ed: Hey babe! Ed came over and kissed me, then we went inside. Me: Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Edward Van Halen. Mom and Dad: Hi Edward. Ed: Hi. You can call me Ed. What are we having for supper Beth? Me: Spaghetti! Ed: Ooh my favorite! *We all sat down for dinner.* Dad: Ed, we've heard a lot about you from Beth. What do you like to do? Ed: Well, I love playing guitar and hanging out with Beth. Me: Ed is in a band! Mom: Really? What's the name of your band? Ed: Van Halen. It's named after my brother Alex and I. Dad: Do you think you're going to become popular? Ed: Nah, we just get together and have fun. Right now we're playing in small bars and restaurants. Me: It would be awesome if you guys did become a big band! *We finished dinner and then watched a movie together. After the movie, Ed had to go.* Ed: Thanks for having me over for dinner, it was great! Mom: It was great finally meeting you since Beth talks about you so much! *Ed and I walked outside to his Jeep.* Me: So what do you think of my parents? Ed: I think they're nice! Your dad seemed to be interested in the band. Me: They liked you Ed, mom and dad said they were both really excited to meet you. Ed: Your mom's spaghetti was the best I've ever had! Me: I know, I love it! Ed: I should probably get going. Me: Mann... See you tomorrow after school! Ed: I love you Beth! Me: I love you too! *Ed gave me a kiss and then jumped into his Jeep. Ed waved to me as he pulled away.*

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyWhere stories live. Discover now