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The year was 1989, and it was Christmas Eve and it was also Kurt’s first Christmas. Beth, Ed and Kurt were at home and they had just finished dinner and were in the living room. Ed: Do you think it’s going to snow for Christmas? Me: I sure hope so. What’s Christmas without snow? Kurt was toddling around the room looking at all the decorations. He sat down in front of the Christmas tree to look at all the bright lights. Ed: He sure does like Christmas doesn'ta he? Me: He definitely does. I think we should put him to bed now, its getting pretty late. Ed: I’ll put him to bed, you can wait here. *Ed read Kurt a story and put him to bed. Ed came back out and sat next to Beth with his arm around her. They both fell asleep that way. Until the morning…* Kurt: Mommy, daddy!!!!! Look!!! Kurt was pointing out the window, where it had snowed overnight. Me: Wow, it’s Christmas! Ed: An early one too. Hey it snowed! Let’s open gifts! Kurt: Ok! *Beth got Ed a subscription to Guitar Magazine, a new guitar tuner, and a Crossroads sweatshirt, which was Ed’s favorite band. Ed had gotten Beth some chocolate, a diamond guitar necklace and a bunch of records from Beth’s favorite bands. Kurt had gotten a shirt that said “Born to be Wild”, his first photo album, which Ed and Beth filled with pictures of them and Kurt, and a teddy bear that had a shirt with the Van Halen logo on it.* Ed: This was a wonderful Christmas. Me: Agreed. Kurt was looking up at the star on top of the tree and smiling.

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