The Flu

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chapter 27: me my parents and grandma and Kurt were all cramped up in a little soundbooth listening to Van Halen and Kurt turns to me and says (in a cute little 4 year old voice) : mommy why does daddy make those strange horse and mice sounds? Me: I don't know you''ll have to ask him when he gets done Kurt:ok my mom: hon? Me: yes mom? Mom:why is Edward so sweaty? I wasn't really paying attention to how sweaty my husband was I was paying attention to the music I turn around and see Ed sweaty A LOT me: I don't know he looks kinda pale I said worried I continue taking to my mom he's been working really hard. I mean Balance comes out in a two days. Mom:I know well when he gets done we have too check him out me:ok he comes out and he walks over to us and hugs everybody and when he gets to me he says:babe I don't feel so good. Me:go sit down right now Ed:but- me:no buts go sit down! He sits down I feel his head your burning up! Ed: I am? Me:yeah mom come here please my mom: ok Eddie lay back he played back my mom:open your mouth she looks in ok she says you might have some type of the flu Ed:WHAT?!?! I can't get sick Now after the album comes out we have to go on tour. Me:Ed you can't go on tour if your sick. We go back home and were all in the living room but Kurt who fell asleep when Eddie carried him out to car. Me:how many songs are on it? Ed:can't tell me:please Ed? I really wanna know.

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