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The year was 1977 and Beth was at school. In between her classes she was hanging out with a friend. Friend: What's up? Me: Not much. You? Friend: Do you still like that cute guy? Me: Eddie? Friend: Ooh you call him Eddie now. You must like him! Me: I do! He hasn't asked me out yet though. Friend: Why don't you? Me: No, I don't want to seem to desperate. Friend: Go ask him, he's sitting over there! Me: I wanna wait until he does. Friend: If you don't ask him out, I will! Me: Wait a minute, he's coming over here! Friend: Act natural! Ed: Hey Beth, can I talk to you? Me: Sure. Friend: I'll see you in a little bit Beth. Me: Ok. What's up Ed? Ed: I need to talk to you. Me: Ok *My mind started racing. What if he was going to break up with me?!* Ed: Listen.. I.. Well you and I know we like each other. Me: Yea. Ed: Well.. I want to.. I would like to... Me: Take a deep breath Eddie. Ed: Doyouwanttogooutwithme? Me: Uh, what? Ed: Do you want to go out with me? Me: Yes! Ed: Really? Me: Yes! Ed: Yess!! C'mon, let's go! Me: What? Ed: Let's go get some pizza! Me: I can't. We can't! We have school! Ed: Where's your sense of adventure? You gotta live life like there's no tomorrow.. *Ed leaned in and kissed me on the lips. It was so sweet and wonderful..* Me: Let's go! *I grabbed Ed's hand and runned down the hallway. I had never felt so happy in my life!*

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