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Part Two: *A few weeks later. Ed had still been drinking a lot since he had come back from the tour.* I woke up and looked next to me. Ed wasn't there. I heard some clanking in the kitchen. Me: No, no, no. ED! I ran into the kitchen and saw Ed with a beer in his hands. Me: Ed don't drink now, its too early in the morning. Ed: Just let me have a beer. Me: No. Ed you've been drinking non­stop since you got home! Ed: So? Me: So you have to stop. You've been down this road already, let's not go down it again. Ed: Can't you just let me drink? Me: No. I will not stand by you and see you destroy yourself. Ed: Why not? Me: Because I'm your wife! Our vows said that we would stand by each other in sickness and in health. I'm not going to throw us away because you want me to. Ed: Beth you deserve more. You deserve more than me. I don't want you to see me like this. Me: Are you saying that you want me to leave you? Ed: Yes. Go out and find yourself a better life. A better husband. Ok? Me: No. Ed: What? Me: We matter. When we got married we promised to stay with each other in sickness and in health, through thick and
thin. I can't sit and watch you push me away. I'm not about to throw us away. I won't let you. I love you too much for that to happen. Ed: I love you too Beth.

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyWhere stories live. Discover now