29 part 2

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when we got to the zoo Kurt saw the Monkeys and pulled me & Ed over to them and looked at Ed and says: dad can we buy one? Ed:they cost a lot I don't think we have that kind of money to buy a monkey. Kurt looked sad when Eddie said No then he started talking again about how we could big him a toy monkey he really liked that idea I think he liked it better than having a real one. Me, Eddie, Sammy, Betsy, Michael, Sue,Elisha, Aric, Taylor,&Kurt saw EVERYTHING! the're was to see. *when me, Ed,&Kurt got home* Me:Ed I don't feel so goo- before I could finish what I was saying I was hovering over the toilet vomiting my guts out! I heard Kurt say goodnight dad. Ed came into the bathroom and sat beside me and rubbed my back I finally stop throwing up and Ed says:how long have you felt like this? Me:a few days I thought it would pass but it hasn't yet. I've had a headache, Nausea, And- oh no! Ed:what? Me:do you think I could be pregnant? Ed:I don't know... check *10 minutes later* I walked out of the bathroom and looked at Ed Ed:well me:I'm...

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyWhere stories live. Discover now