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Part Two: I was standing in a long hallway. I saw a bright white light in front of me and behind me I could see the back of the tour bus where I saw myself laying there while Ed was yelling something. Al, Dave and Mike were there too. They all looked terrified. I turned around and slowly started to walk towards the light. On my left and right there were open doors that had memories in them. One had Ed and me on our first date... Another one had the night that Ed proposed to me... The last room I saw the back of the tour bus. Ed was trying CPR on me, which didn't seem to be bringing me back. Al had ice on my forehead and Dave and Mike were talking to Ed. Mike: Ed. Ed you have to stop, she's gone. Dave put his hand on Ed's shoulder and gently pulled him back. Dave: Ed it's ok. Ed: *Sobbing* No, no!! She can't be gone!! She. Can't. Be. Gone. C'mon Beth.. Don't leave me now. You can't Beth, you can't. Beth if you can hear me, I love you more than anything. Please don't leave me, I don't know what I'll do without you. I can't live without you Beth!! Al: Ed. *Ed was still sobbing and Al put his arm around Ed* Ed it's ok. Maybe everything that dies someday comes back. Let her go.. The door closed in front of my broken heart. I tried pounding and kicking the door, but it wouldn't budge. I have to go back. I have to see Ed again, I can't leave him. I turned around and started running through the hall towards the tour bus again. Suddenly everything turned black and I felt like I was flying through space. My eyes opened and I looked around. I was back in the tour bus and Ed and Al, Mike and Dave were all crying because I had died. Me: Ed? Ed: Beth is that you?? Me: Yea. Ed: You're alive Beth!! You're ALIVE!!!!!!!! Al: You gave us quite the scare little lady! Ed: I can't believe it Beth! I love you!!!! Me: I love you too Ed! The guys were laughing and crying at the same time, it was so sweet. They all came over and gave me a hug.

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyWhere stories live. Discover now