51 part 2

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part 2: Ed pulled up to this restaurant and people were staring at us Ed put his arm around me and we walked in and all my family and my friends were there I saw my cousin Sebastian and my brother James amd of course van Halen they all start talking to me about how I've grown apparently since I've been with Ed I've gotten more mature we've been together since I was 14 so I've been mature for 7 years wow Ed:babe I snap out of it Me:huh? Ed:you ok? Me:yeah Just thinking my mom:ok Bear time for present's! Woo! This one's from James it was a Randy Rhodes poster Me:James thank you! James:welcome mom:from Sebastian a shirt that said 'youth gone wild' Me:thanks dude! Sebastian:anytime kid mom:from me and your dad a bunch of pictures of Ed Me:thanks means a lot mom:from Edward Me:let's see what you got me shall we Ed:yes we shall Me:ok I opened a box and it was some of my favorite things of Ed's a guitar pick, a shirt, and more I looked at him and kissed him and said thanks Mom:picture time!  She took pictures of me and Ed me and Sebastian and others it was a great birthday

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyWhere stories live. Discover now