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The year was 1985 and Van Halen had just finished the Monsters of Rock 1984 tour. The guys were over at Ed and Beth's house. Ed and Dave were sitting on the couch talking about a new album. Dave: When do you think we should start working on a new album? Ed: We just got done with a tour, don't ya think we should cool it for a little bit? Dave: Our fans are relying on us to give them another album! Ed: I know, but I'm just sayin' we should cool it for a little. Dave: Why?? We have everything we need for a new album! Ed: But we don't need one right now! Next year will bring a whole load of possibilities for a new album! We should wait for some of our own cool tunes to come to us before we just go running back to the studio after every tour! Dave: So you're saying that we don't have any talent in the band anymore?? Ed: When did I say that?! We need to give the fans some suspense so they keep wondering what we're going to do next! Dave: We have enough to make a new album now though!!! Ed: *Stands up* FINE!! Why don't we just go down to the studio now and start recording!! Heck we might as well record two albums! *Al and Mike walked in and was wondering what all the noise is* Al: Ed what's going on? Dave: Ed thinks that we shouldn't go recording an album right now! We need to wait or something. Al: I agree with Ed. We need to cool it for a little, at least until we come up with some great new tune. Dave: YOU TOO!? C'mon we have everything it's got to make three albums if we want! Mike: Let's wait for awhile to make a decision. We're going to regret a hasty decision if we make it now. Beth: What is going on?? Ed: That's it. I can't take this tension anymore. I don't want the band to end just because of a spat. Dave: What are you saying? You want me to leave don't you? Ed: We have to think of what's best for the band. Dave: FINE!! Message received! I will leave Van Halen if that's what you want! Mike: Ed... you might regret this.. Ed: We were just talking about something new. Dave: Goodbye then.

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