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The year was 1980 and Beth, Ed, Dave, Al and Mike were at and after-concert party for Van Halen. Ed was playing his guitar really loud on a stage in the bar. The guys and everybody else in the bar was watching him. Beth was sitting alone at the bar having a Schiltz Malt Liquor. A guy walked up to her and sat down. Me: Oh god. Ex: You remember me don't you babydoll? Me: Yes I do, now please go away. I dated you a long time ago and I never ever want to see you again. Ex: Now c'mon lovely, let's go again. *Before Beth could say anything he grabbed her butt and pulled her against his hips and was trying to kiss her.* Me: ED?! EDWARD!!! ALEX!!! *The music was way too loud for Ed to hear her. The ex was trying to kiss her neck.* Ex: Let's go away from the crowd beautiful. I've missed you so much. Why aren't you kissing me? You still love me don't you? Me: GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!! EDWARD HELP ME!! *The ex was grabbing her neck and smoothing back her hair. He was still trying to kiss her.* Me:Get away from me!!! EDWARD!?!?!? ED!!!! *The music went really quiet and someone ran past Beth and shoved the ex away from her. Ed punched the guy in the eye and the grabbed his neck collar and smashed him on one of the tables. The guy was knocked out cold, but Ed punched him again. Al came running over and tried to pry Ed of the ex, but he couldn't. Dave and Mike came over and the three of them pulled Ed off the ex.* Al: Ed, he's knocked out cold!! Knock it off bro!! *Ed was breathing heavy, and Beth walked over to him.* Me: Ed, it's ok!! Slow down! Ed: Are you ok? Did that creep hurt you? Me: No he didn't. I'm ok. Are you ok? Ed: Yea I'm fine. Me: You have bruises on your hands! Let's go put some ice on it. Ed: Ok. I'm sorry everyone. Al: No problem. Why don't you two go home and clean up a little. I'll be over in a little while to check up.

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara