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year:1980 I was working on my math and I couldn't get it and Ed was over...again and he was looking at me with a goofy smile on his face Me:Ed? Ed:huh? Me:can you help me? Ed:sure Me:THANK YOU!!!!! Ed:anytime so what's the problem? Me:um it says 'if johnny had 2255555 Apples and gave 799 of them away how many would he have? Divide by 7' Ed:um I don't know First how can johnny have that many Apple's? Me:Ed I don't know but can you just help me please? Ed:get your mom Me:Ed Ed:what Me:she's picking up cassie Ed:right! I forgot about that! Me:I'll just do it later Ed:Im going to practice wanna go? Me:Yes! *we were in the car* Radio guy:Van Halen will be touring within the next months after there new album comes out called 'women and children first' we spoke with the bands guitarist Eddie van Halen RG:Eddie how does your girlfriend feel about the new album? Ed:can I change the station? Me:NO! I wanna hear this Ed:ok Ed:well she loves it! Every little bit of it! She actually helped us decide what songs to put on the album RG:really? Ed:yeah man RG:Is it true that Beth actually goes into the little room were you guys record? Ed:yeah RG:wow

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora