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Part 1: The year was 1984 and Eddie was on the 1984/Monsters of Rock 1984 tour with Van Halen. Beth had stayed home this tour and Eddie had already been gone for 10 months. Beth's mom was coming over to Beth's house to visit her. Mom: Hey Beth! Me: Hey mom. Mom: How're you holding up? Me: I don't know. I'm really missing Ed. Mom: I know you are. Me: I haven't been feeling ok. Mom: Like what? Like sick feeling or achy feeling? Me: No, not sick or anything. Mom: Depressed? Me: Yea. I'll be ok though. Mom: Ok, just let me know if you need anything. Me: Ok. *It was 4 months later and Ed was coming home that night. Beth was sitting in the living room when Ed came in.* Me: ED!!!!! *I ran over to Ed. Something wasn't right with him though. He seemed "off".* Me: Ed are you ok? Ed: Yup. I'm ok. Me: No you're not. Ed: Yes I am. I think. Me: You're drunk! I slapped Ed. Me: How can you do this?! Ed: What? Me: You were gone for 14 months on a tour and I missed you so so so much and... and you come back to me drunk!?! I can't believe this Edward! Ed: Wait Beth! I ran into the bedroom and locked myself in there. I started crying. I couldn't stop myself. *A few days later. I was still in the bedroom and Ed had been trying to get me to come out, but I could tell that he had still been drinking.* Al: Beth? Me: Ed go away. Al: Beth it's me, Al. Let me in honey. Me: Ok. *When I unlocked the door Al came over and sat down next to me.* Al: How are you doing? Me: Not so well. This is really hard. Al: I know. Me: It's like he's not even Edward anymore. He's there but he's not himself. I don't even know him anymore! What should I do Al? Al: I'm not sure. He's never been this bad before. Wait a minute.. what are those over there? Me: Just some pills the doctor gave me awhile ago. Al: You're not eating to many of those are you? Me: Maybe. Al: You took an overdose of prescription pills?! Me: Only once!! It calmed my nerves! Al: Only once is as bad as doing it twenty times! You can't do this to yourself Beth. Me: I know I know.

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя