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The year was 1991 and James was over at Ed and Beth's house for dinner. Ed: How's the band goin' James? James: It's going great! We're going to start recording a new album for this year. Ed: That's awesome man! *We finished dinner and then sat down on the couch. Ed and James were jamming on their guitars.* James: Hey Beth I got a question for you. Me: Yea? James: Do you.. think I can stay with you guys for a while? Me: *Looks at Ed* What do you think Ed? Ed: Yea!! Of course you can. Me: How long? James: Only for a few weeks. *A few weeks later... Ed and James were playing on their guitars and the house was messy with guitar books and beer cans. Al had just come inside.* Al: Hey girl! I heard James is staying with you guys. Me: Yea. And their driving me nuts!! Look at the house! Al: Yea it's kinda messy. Me: Yea I know. Can you help me please?? Al: No I'm sorry little sis, I gotta go. *Al gave me a kiss on the cheek and then left.* James: Hey Beth, you're not going to believe this! Me: I might. What do you have? James: I'm going back to my apartment today! Me: That's great James! I'm glad you can get back to your home! Ed: Man.. We need to play more guitar sometime! Do you need any help moving back in? James: Nah.. All my stuff is still there. Thanks for letting me stay here guys. Ed: Sure! Me: No problem James. *James left and Ed and I were sitting on the couch.* Ed: I'm sorry we made such a mess babe. Me: It's ok... I guess. *Ed smiled his cute little smile that could melt my heart.* Me: I love you Ed. Ed: I love you too. *Ed kissed me. He looked around the room.* Ed: We don't have to clean this up now do we? Me: Well... no. Let's watch a movie! Ed: Ok! Popcorn? Me: Sure.

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyWhere stories live. Discover now