Chapter 8: There may be tears

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I just found out Eddie had cancer in the mouth and they say he might die soon I don't know what I'll do without him or what Ed jr will do hes only 6 *the last few days of eddies life* Ed:babe I love you and Ed jr very very very very much!! *he said weakly* I had tears streaming down my face Ed said come lay with your Ed I layed next to him I hugged him tight and just cryed my eyes out the last thing he did was kiss me and say baby I love you... I cryed harder I finally got up and went to go tell Ed jr who was in the kitchen with my mom I sniffed as I walked in he ran up to me and bladed his little eyes out we both cryed he said:'mommy is daddy in the clouds' I shook my head and me,Ed jr,& my mom went up to mine and eddies room where he layed the first thing Ed jr said: 'DADDY COME BACK I NEED YOU DADDY PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyWhere stories live. Discover now