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Part 1: The year was 1988 and Ed was at the studio recording more music with the guys. I was at home watching a movie. *The phone rings* Me: Hello? Ed: Hey babe. Me: What's up? Ed: I won't be able to make it home for supper. Me: Why not? Ed: Were almost finished recording the last song on our album. I'll be home later tonight. Me: Ok. I'll see you later. Ed: Luv ya babe. *Beth was watching some tv and it was really late, but Eddie still hadn't come home. It was about midnight when Beth went to bed.* A little while later Ed came back home. He came in the bedroom and took off his shirt so he was just in his boxers. He crawled onto the bed and layed down next to Beth. Ed stroked her hair and was kissed her neck. Me: Ed is that you? Ed: Hey babe. *Ed started kissing my cheek* Me: What are you doing? Ed: You don't want me kissing you? Me: Not my cheek.. Ed: Well where do you want me to kiss you? Me: How about my shoulders, or my back? Ed: I'd have to take off your shirt to do that.. Me: I don't mind that.. Ed: Ooh babe *Ed took off my shirt and pulled me against his body. I laid down on my back and Ed was kissing my neck.* Ed: How's that? Me: A little lower.. Ed: Is that good? Me: Mmm, a little lower babe.. Ed: *Kissing my abs* Is that good? Me: Just a little lower.. Ed: Like that? Me: Mmm-hmm!

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyWhere stories live. Discover now