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Part Two: * The next morning* Me: Morning Ed. Ed: Morning babe. Are you ok? Me: Yea. I'm just a little shaken, that's all. Oh my gosh!! Ed: What? Me: Ed you have a black eye!! Ed: No wonder why it hurts a lot. Me: I'll go run and get some ice for you. *I went into the kitchen to get some ice and Al and Mike were just coming inside.* Al: Beth! Are you ok? Al came over and gave me a hug. Me: Yea I'm ok. Ed's got a black eye though. Ed: What's goin on out here? Mike: Hey Ed. You ok? Ed: Yea I'll be fine. You? Mike: I'm ok. Al: We better go, we just make sure that you guys are ok. Ed: Thanks guys. *Just as Al and Mike were walking out the door, Dave was standing on the doorstep.* Al: What are you doing here?! Ed ran at Dave and pinned him against the wall. Ed: Get out of my house. Dave: Wait! I want to say something. Ed: I don't care, get out! Me: Wait Ed. Ed: What?! Me: Just wait a minute. I want to hear what he has to say. Mike: Beth- Me: Dave what do you have to say. You better make it quick before I change my mind. Dave: I - I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I don't know what got into me. I didn't - don't want to hurt you guys. I really am sorry. Can we just forget about last night? The guys looked at each other. They seemed reluctant to forgive Dave. Ed looked at me. Ed: Babe? Me: Ok. Ed: Ok.

I'm dating a rock star an Eddie Van Halen storyWhere stories live. Discover now