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The year was 1985 and Van Halen had just split up with DLR and joined up with Sammy Hagar. Ed and Beth were going to an interview at Hard Rock Cafe for MTV. Interviewer: Hello Mr Van Halen, Ms Beth good to meet you. Ed: Hello. Interviewer: Edward, how do you think Van Halen, as well as it’s fans have taken the split with David Lee Roth? Ed: I think Van Halen has taken it well. We’re off to a new start with a new singer, and as far as I can see I think its going to be good. As for the fans, I’m not too sure how they’re taking the split yet. In time I think it will be ok. Interviewer: Was there tension before that caused the split? Ed: There definitely was some tension in the band. We had some great albums with DLR, but I think the new Van Halen will be able to produce some excellent albums with Hagar. I was actually the very first singer for Van Halen, but after five songs and a few beers, I couldn’t sing anymore. That’s why we got Roth, so his voice could keep up through all the recording and concerts. Me: And you couldn’t play guitar and sing at the same time. Ed: *Laughing* Yeah, that too. Al told me I was a better guitar player than singer. Interviewer: Have you heard DLR new album yet? Ed: No I haven’t yet. Is it good? Me: It is pretty good. Interviewer: What do you think of Sammy Hagar as your new singer? Ed: I think he’s going to be great. Roth came in to Van Halen as our singer at a good time for the band, and I think Hagar has come into the band at a time when we needed a singer. Roth and Hagar both have different talents and they both have done and will do good for Van Halen.

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