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The year was 1980 and Van Halen was on their third world tour, World Invasion "Party 'Til You Die Tour" Tour. This tour, Ed had brought Beth along with them. The guys had just finished playing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and were in the bus on the way to Cincinnati, Ohio. Ed: Hey Al toss me one of those beers. Al: Ok. That was a killer show! Dave: Yea it was!! Mike: Lets do the rest of the shows like that! Ed: Haha. Hey Beth what did you think of it? Me: It was great guys. Ed: You ok babe? You look terrible. Me: No. I think I’m going to hurl! Ed: Quick get back to the bathrooms! Dave: Is she gonna be ok? Ed: I don’t know… *About 25 minutes later Beth came back out and sat down* Ed: You feeling any better? Me: No, I still feel god awful. Ed: What do you need honey? Me: I could use some water. Ed: Why don’t you lay down, you might feel better then. I’ll get your water. Me: Ok thanks babe. *Beth laid down in the back, and Ed was taking care of her and had fallen asleep next to her. Sometime later Mike came back.* Mike: Hey Ed? Ed: Hmm? Mike: Were stopping at a bar to get a few drinks do ya want to come in? Ed: No I want to take care of Beth. Me: If you want to go you can Ed, I’ll be ok. Ed: No sweetheart, I want to take care of you. *Ed brushed my hair aside and gave me a kiss on the forehead* Me: I love you Ed. Ed: I love you too Beth! Mike: We’ll be back in a while Ed. Hope you feel better Beth! Me: Thanks Mike. Have a good time! *Mike left and I rolled over and went back to sleep* Ed: Do you need anything Beth? Me: No I think I’m ok for now. Ed: Ok, just let me know, I’ll be right here until your better! *Ed grabbed my hand and gave it a kiss. We both fell asleep like that.*

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