139. Road Trip*

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Natalie's Outfit

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Natalie's Outfit

Stefan's POV

"You two were right. He's off the rails." Caroline suddenly announces as she saunters into the house with a folder in her hands. Me and Natalie had spoke about Damon after getting Jeremy home, the two of us discussing that we need to do something before we asked sheriff Liz for her help. "And this is from my mom." Caroline adds as she hands Natalie the file.

"Let me guess- missing persons and animal attacks." I utter knowingly as I read through the file over Natalie's shoulder. "Check and check. But, there's something else. All the victims were found inside their homes without their heads and and their skin was desicated." Caroline explains making me and Natalie look at each other.

"Desicated?" Natalie questions and Caroline nods. "Yeah." She mumbles in confirmation. "Damon's not feeding on humans...he's feeding on vampires." Natalie states in realisation. "I shouldn't have let him go." I sigh as I drop down onto the couch and Natalie drops the file onto the table border sitting on the arm of the couch.

"No! Uh-uh. No! You are not turning Damon's roosting chickens into a Stefan Salvatore guilt trip." Caroline immediately scolds as I lean my arm on Natalie's thighs, threading my fingers through the hole in her jeans. "No one could have stopped him from going after Wes the other night, baby." Natalie states as she folds her arms across her chest.

"I guess Wes must of injected him with whatever he was going to give Elena that makes vampires feed on vampires." I suggest as I glance between Natalie and Caroline. "Okay, so when this happened to Jesse, he had to be killed." Natalie starts as she glances at Caroline who had a crush on the guy. "We need to find him, now." She finishes firmly.

"Uh, I can come with you." Elena suddenly mutters sheepishly as she walks into the house. "I thought you were gonna stay with Bonnie at Whitmore?" Caroline wonders confused. "I don't want Natalie going by herself if Damon is killing vampires." Elena answers and Natalie looks down at me. "When did she get so protective of me?" She whispers and I shake my head, furrowing my eyebrows. "No clue, baby." I whisper back.

Suddenly, Caroline's phone rings and she pulls it out of her pocket, before sighing as she looks at the screen. "You okay?" Natalie asks. "It's Tyler. I haven't really spoke to him since the, uh, argument." Caroline responds. "The argument?" I scoff as I wouldn't call it an 'argument'. "You mean the time where he almost killed you?" I correct as Caroline glances between me and Natalie, almost in a debate whether she should answer or not before releasing another sigh and answering the call.

"Hey, have you talked to Matt?" Tyler's voice asks from the other end. "No, why?" Caroline replies, furrowing her eyebrows. "Because it turns out Nadia's been compelling him to forget things. Matt said he was gonna avoid her, but now I haven't heard from him." Tyler explains before he signs worriedly. "Do you think he's in trouble?" Caroline inquires as she glances at Natalie nervously. "I think that he hasn't been at home or at work and his cell phone goes straight to voicemail." Tyler replies.

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