103. Pastor Young's Memorial

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Natalie's memorial outfit

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Natalie's memorial outfit

Stefan's POV

I see Natalie stand in front of the full-length mirror, examining her outfit as I walk in the room. "You look beautiful." I compliment and she smiles at me through the mirror. "Well, now there's a hunter on the loose, I gotta look my best at all times." She jokes before she sighs. "Should we even be going to this memorial?" She questions. "I think it'll look more suspicious if we don't, baby." I reply as I step forward and wrap my arms around Natalie's waist.

"We'll be fine. Nothing's going to happen." I assure her. "I hope so." She whispers and I bury my head in her neck, kissing her soft skin. "I don't think the dead would appreciate this." She jokes, titling her head to side as I chuckle. "Well, it's not my fault you look so good in lace." I whisper in her ear and she smirks. "I was gonna wear a dress, but then I thought 'fuck it'. Wear something that makes me look like a boss."

"You would make a very sexy boss." I utter, trailing my fingers over her lace bodysuit. "Mhm, bossing people around all day. Bossing you around all day. Sounds like me." Natalie murmurs and I smirk at her through the mirror. "You know the only time you're not the boss?" I ask and she quirks her eyebrow at me. "When is that, Mr Salvatore?"

"When I've got you laying in our bed, writhing underneath me while I make you cum over and over again." I whisper and she bites her lip as lust grows in her eyes. "Great. Now I'm gonna be thinking about you fucking me during the memorial." She admits and I chuckle. "After." I promise before tapping her hip. "Come on, let's go before Damon starts blowing up our phones." I say and she nods, grabbing her phone before we speed out of the house.


When me and Natalie arrive at the church, we see Damon standing underneath one of the trees with a handbag clutched in tight in his hand. Natalie chuckles underneath her breath as we walk over to him, hand in hand. "Damon, I don't really don't think that bag is your colour or style." She jokes making me snort in amusement.

"Oh, Tia. Whatever would I do without your hilarious commentary?" Damon's replies sarcastically, giving Natalie a fake smile. He attempts to walk away from the two of us but Natalie grabs his arm and pulls him back. "What's in the bag, Damon?" I wonder curiously, feeling like he is hiding something from us.

"Mid-service snack. Church always gets me hungry. The whole blood of Christ thing, you know." Damon tell us, a devilish smirk on his lips but me and Natalie share a look, not buying his answer. "What's it really for, Dames?" Natalie interrogates, her tone firm and Damon sighs. "Fine. I brought it for Elena." He informs.

"For Elena?" Natalie utters before letting out a scoff. "Damon, we talked about this. Elena doesn't want to drink human blood because she feels too guilty about." She reminds him and I nod. "If she hurts someone, she'll be desperate to to get rid of that guilt. Maybe even desperate enough to shut off her humanity." I explain.

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