104. Rebekahs Party*

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Natalie's outfit for Rebekah's party

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Natalie's outfit for Rebekah's party

Stefan's POV

"Caroline is going to freak out when we tell her." Natalie claims as we walk, hand in hand, into school. "I think she'll be more excited than you were, baby." I respond, smiling in amusement and Natalie chuckles. "Yeah, I can see that happening." She agrees as we turn down the hallway where Caroline's locker is.

"Hey, Care-Bear." Natalie calls out making Caroline turn to the two of us, as she grabs a book from her locker. "Hey." She responds. Natalie leans back against the lockers, sharing a small smile with me before she looks up at Caroline. "So, Care...how do you feel about being my maid of honour?" She asks.

"I've always wanted to be-" Caroline starts to say before she stops and an excited smile forms on her lips. "Oh my god! You're engaged?!" She exclaims making Natalie hold her left hand up to show Caroline her engagement ring. "Let me see! Let me see!" She gently grabs Natalie's hand, and examines the ring as I wrap my arm around Natalie's waist.

"Stefan, well done." Caroline compliments and I smile. "Thank you. Thought it was the perfect one for my girl." I say, pecking Natalie cheek as her lips tilt up. "Aww!" Caroline awes making me and Natalie chuckle. "We have to start planning right away. Like your dress, the bridesmaid dresses, what flowers, ooh, or the cake-" Caroline lists.

"Care! We've just got engaged. Let us enjoy that first." Natalie tells her, still chuckling in amusement. "Sorry, I'm just excited. It's not every day your best friend gets married to the love of her life." Caroline says sheepishly and I chuckle. "Well, I don't care when we get married as long as I get to see my future wife at the end of the aisle." I utter, pressing a kiss to Natalie's temple.

"Okay, that was too cute." Caroline exclaims as Natalie rolls her eyes playfully. "Come on, maid of honour. We're gonna be late to class." She states and Caroline grabs her bag before we start to walk down the hallway. "I need to start putting a binder together." Caroline mumbles to herself making me chuckle lowly.

"If Caroline has her way, we're getting married next week." I whisper in Natalie's ear. "Don't give her any ideas, Stef." She whispers back but I just smile. "I wouldn't mind getting married to you next week, darling." I respond honestly and Natalie smiles softly. "Neither would I." She whispers back before kissing me and I respond eagerly.

"Okay, okay! Kissy, kissy later. Class now." Caroline says as she opens the door to Alarics old classroom and me and Natalie roll our eyes playfully as we pull away from each other. "Oh, definitely later." I declare and Natalie smirks up at me. "It's good that I'm wearing lace panties then." She whispers back and I feel my jeans tighten at the thought.

Natalie's smirk widens when she realises where my thoughts have taken me before she grabs my hand and pulls me behind her into the class. But, all her playfully demeanour vanished as she stops abruptly and stares at the familiar writing on the blackboard. "You gonna be okay?" I ask softly, rubbing my hand up and down her arm.

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