68. Dance Request

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Stefan's POV

Me and Damon wait on the porch as Natalie signs the deeds to the house. "I wouldn't want to clean it." Bonnie says making us look up, seeing the two of them plus Elena and Mr Henry still looking through the documents. "Oh, trust me. I'm definitely making Damon do all the cleaning." Natalie replies cheekily.

I chuckle at the look on Damon's face making him glare at me. "Shut up." He grumbles which only makes me chuckle more. "Do you really think Bonnie can take on Klaus?" Damon suddenly asks, a wary tone in his voice. "She said she could channel enough witches power to kill him." I state. Unlike Damon, I trusted Bonnie but I'm still nervous about the plan.

This isn't an easy situation for me as I don't like it when someone besides me has to keep my girl safe like when Jonas was after her. I would rather be the one protecting Natalie as I would rather give up my life to keep the love of my life safe and alive.

"According to Laine, Elijah thought it would work against Klaus. He must have figured it out." I say shrugging, still not trusting Elijah. "We just need to find him." Damon mumbles, silently nodding his head. We can't exactly do anything until Klaus shows his face and tries to do something since no one alive, besides Kathrine, has any idea what he actually looks like.

"Yeah." I murmur as I keep my eyes on my green-eyed beauty, who is laughing with Bonnie, as I lean against the door frame. The day I saved her life at Wickery Bridge, I made a vow to always protect her but now, I feel like I'm failing her since I can't help her right now. It's just so frustrating.

"Do you think Bonnie could track him? You know, like when Bonnie had to find Tia and Elena when Rose kidnapped her." Damon questions, crossing his arms over his chest and I instantly shake my head. "Nope." I mutter before I let out a heavy sigh. "Bonnie would need something personal to Klaus like when Bonnie had used Jeremy blood to find the girls."

I had asked Bonnie the very same question as soon as she arrived but sadly, it was a wasted attempt as no one had anything personal that belongs to Klaus. "I hate this." Damon mumbles as he slumps against the wall. "You're telling me." I grumble, moving my eyes back to Natalie. "Do you think he killed her?" Damon curiously wonders.

"Kathrine?" I inquire, glancing over at him before lightly shrugging my shoulders. "Probably." I mumble. "I hope he did." Damon exclaims and I nod in agreement. "Thank you for coming, Mr Henry." Natalie's soft voice makes us look through the entrance of the house, seeing her walking the older man out of the house.

"Have a nice day." She says politely, shaking his hand. Natalie watches him walk away to his car before looking at me and Damon amused as we both stand directly in front of the entrance, impatient expressions on our faces. "Oh, my bad, boys." She mumbles with a bright smirk on her face before she moves her eyes to mine.

"Stefan, baby, it would be my greatest honour to have my king to join his queen in her house." She says, holding her hand out to me. I let out an amused chuckle as I cross over the threshold and take her hand. "The honour will be all mine, my queen." I say, before I twirl her around into my arms, pulling her into a deep kiss.

"Any day now, Stefan." Damon exclaims grumpily as he taps his foot against the ground in annoyance. I pull away from Natalie, a smirk on my face as she winks up at me cheekily. "Let's go, gorgeous." Damon commands, folding his arms across his chest. "I don't have all day."

"I'm pretty sure you do have all day, Dames, with being immortal and all." Natalie teases as she leans against the door and Damon chuckles humourlessly. "Tia, if you don't let me in, I'm gonna make you pay." He growls and Natalie grows a mischievous look in her eyes. "Don't threaten me with a good time." She joked making me chuckle.

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