73. The Sun And Moon Curse

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Natalie's POV

I take a deep breath as I push open the door to the Lockwood mansion and slowly walk in. I close the door behind me softly before I start walking to the living room only to stop when I see Elijah standing in front of one of my favourite paintings. The image is of a small brunette girl standing alone at the edge of a cliff as she looks over the lights illuminating the city below.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I ask as I move to stand beside Elijah while keeping my eyes on the painting. "Kind of reminds me of myself." I admit making Elijah look away from the painting and down at me. "It's how I feel lately. Like I have the whole world on my shoulders and if I make one step out of line then it will all fall apart."

"You will not be alone in this." Elijah tells me sincerely as he gently takes my hand in his. "You, Elskan, will beat Klaus. He will not know what hit him once he realises how powerful you are." He states with a soft smile before it drops when he sees my bruised wrist that he's currently holding.

"Who did this?" He asks in a deadly tone. "It's nothing. Just a slight disagreement." I tell him as his thumb starts to rub across my wrist. "Elskan, this is not a slight disagreement." He argues, gesturing to my wrist. "Now, who. Did. This?" He growls, looking straight into my eyes. "Damon." I whisper.

"Damon Salvatore. Off course. And why did he think he had to right to put his hands on you?" He questions. "He didn't want me to come back here...to you." I utter and he nods his head with a small smirk. "Shouldn't it be Stefan who doesn't want you around me?" He asks amused. "Oh, he doesn't but he trusts me. Unlike Damon." I reply.

"Why? Does he think I'm going to hurt you?" Elijah questions and I can hear a hint of anger in his tone. "Yes." I answer truthfully and he nods. "I would never hurt you, Elskan." He assures, his eyes not straying from mine. "I know you won't. I don't know how but I do." I say softly.

"True beauty like yours should never be harmed or branded." Elijah states and I feel a slight blush form on my cheeks. "Are you complementing me, Elijah?" I ask amused and he chuckles. "Yes, I am, Elskan. Is that a problem?" He inquires and I shake my head. "No, it's not." I tell him and he smiles.

"Changing the topic, do you mind if I ask you them questions now?" I ask and he nods his head silently. "Ask whatever you need." He tells me. "Do you know why I can't be compelled?" I wonder. "I didn't at first but then I had some to think about it. You're a shield, Elskan." He informs making me look at him confused.

"Uh, what does that mean?" I inquire curiously. "It means that your mind is protected. No vampire, Original or not, can compel you. Thus, there is no need for you to wear vervain." Elijah explains and I gape at him in shock. "It also means you can protect those you love." He adds making me even more confused.

"And that means...?" I trail off. "You can physically project your shield. It would be clear so no one but you can see it. But it will surround those you want to protect so nothing, not even a witches spell, can get past it. That is why you're so powerful." He explains. "Holy shit." I mutter as I move to sit down in the living room, and Elijah follows me.

"I know it's a lot to take in." He says softly and I nod. "Yeah, I mean, I freaked out when I found out I was a banshee but this is just...yeah." I reply and he places his hand on my knee gently. "You will have to practice your mind into letting it form outside of your body, instead of just keeping it surrounding your mind." He explains.

"That's going to be fun." I say sarcastically and he chuckles. "What was your other question?" He inquires and I bite my lip gently. "What does 'Elskan' mean?" I ask and he smiles softly. "It means 'my love' in Viking." He explains and I nod. "Cute." I utter and his lips turn into a smirk. "Does it bother you that I call you that?" He wonders and I shake my head.

The Vampire Diaries: Natalie Gilbert Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora