106. Connor, The Vampire Slayer*

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Stefan's POV

I hear the front door slam shut making me place my book down on the bedside table before standing up just as Natalie walks into the room. She throws her jacket and bag onto the chair before running her hands though her hair. "Hi, baby." I greet cautiously and she turns to me and sighs softly. "Hi."

"You okay?" I ask, sensing her frustration as I walk up to her. "Just Damon." She tells me. "What's he done now?" I inquire, glancing down at Natalie's clothes and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Making stupid decisions as usual." She replies before scoffing. "You know, I was actually looking forward to seeing what the college was like and then Damon and some sleazy guy had to ruin it." She rants, my eyes shooting up at that last bit.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I question and Natalie raises her eyes to mine. "What was what?" She asks confused. "That last bit. What sleazy guy?" I wonder, clenching my jaw. "Oh, some guy trying to get with me even after I told him I was engaged and showed him my ring." Natalie explains.

"Did he do anything?" I ask and she immediately shakes her head. "No, he didn't go too far." She assures and I nod, looking back down at her outfit. "What's with the costume?" I wonder and Natalie looks down at herself. "Oh, we went to costume party at the college. Damon was Jack the Ripper and me, Elena and Bonnie were his helpless victims." She explains.

"Jack the Ripper, huh?" I mutter, as I start to undo her corset. "Yeah. Although, it would have been better if I had Stefan the Ripper by my side." She jokes lightly making me chuckle. "And what? You play my helpless victim? Running away from me as I chase you, wanting to pierce your delicate skin with my fangs and gulp down your addictive blood?" I say lowly as I start to back Natalie up into the wall behind her.

"Stefan-" she starts but I cut her off. "Or would you prefer if I take your blood while I make you cum on my dick?" I utter watching as she presses her thighs together, looking up at me in lust. I smirk as I pry her thighs apart, placing my jean-clad leg between them. "I don't know which one you prefer more, baby." I whisper.

"Both sound good." Natalie whispers and I chuckle darkly. "I knew that'd be your answer." I move my leg so my knee is pressing against her pantie-covered clit making her gasp lowly. "Are you just wearing panties?" I ask and Natalie nods. "Yeah. Can't really wear a bra with this dress." She tells me and I move my hand to the string holding the top of the dress together.

"So, you were at a frat party with just your panties on?" I utter and Natalie smirks up at me. "Maybe." She taunts and I chuckle unamused before pulling the string open, letting the dress fall open. "What would you have done if that happened?" I wonder as I lean my hands either side of her. "Then everybody would have got a very good view." Natalie replies simply.

My hand shoots to her neck making her moan lowly as I lower my face closer to hers. "No one gets to see any part of you but me." I growl and Natalie smirks. "Ooh, is Ripper Stefan coming to play? So possessive." She teases and I smirk. "I'm possessive of what's mine, Laine." I say before lowering my lips to hers, kissing her deeply.

Small moans leave the back of Natalie's throat as she moves her hands to the back of my neck, gripping my hair between her fingers. I trail my lips down her neck before sucking on her sweet spot making a loud moan leave Natalie's lips. I pull back, smirking at the sight of the bruise on her neck before Natalie grabs my T-shirt and raises it off me.

I kiss around her chest, as I move my hands under her dress and grip her panties, ripping them off her. Natalie smirks knowingly before I lower to my knees and spread her legs, chuckling lowly. "Already soaked for me." I brush my lips over her left thigh, kissing it softly as she shivers. "Put your leg on my shoulder, baby." I demand and she raises her left leg, settling it on my shoulder.

The Vampire Diaries: Natalie Gilbert Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora