87. Witch House

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Natalie's POV

In an act of revenge, Stefan's decided to steal Klaus's family and the coffins. When I heard the voicemail from him, I just shook my head and rolled my eyes. He's finally gotten his freedom back and the first thing he does is kidnap somebody's family.

And to top it off, Jeremy is spiralling because of his breakup with Bonnie. He's flunking assignments and has just lost his job at the Grill. I am worried about him, and I know he's going through a lot but this is his fault. He's the one that decided to make out with a ghost while he has a girlfriend, one of my best friends.

I stand by the counter, eating the cucumbers Alaric is cutting up making him playfully glare at me. "Will you stop?" He says chuckling as I put another piece into my mouth and give him an innocent look. "Cucumbers are my favourite vegetable though." I argue and he shakes his head before he cuts a off a big piece and hands it to me as I smile happily. "Thank you."

Elena stands behind him, trying to cook but I'm not getting involved because she's 'angry' with me and Stefan for stopping Klaus from dying. She's just acting like a spoiled brat because things didn't go her way again but I don't regret it. "Just in time. We're cooking." Elena calls out as the door opens and Jeremy walks in.

"Hey, Jezza." I greet as he wanders inside. "Hey, Natty." He greets back as he enters the kitchen. "Why aren't you the one cooking?" He asks making me chuckle at his confusion. "Do you really think we can't cook?" Elena inquires, pointing between her and Alaric. "Not as good as Natalie." Jeremy replies shrugging making me look at Elena with a smug smirk.

Elena rolls her eyes before looking back at whatever it is that she's cooking. "Well, sorry. I'm just passing through." Jeremy says just Elena begins to ask him if he was going to stay. "I thought we'd all stay in and have a typical family meal." Alaric utters, pointing to his meal preparation as I steal a carrot. He playfully glares at me as I just smile at him.

"Why? Natty is a hybrid. Elena is a doppelgänger. You are a history teacher with a secret, and I can talk to dead people. If that's what you call normal, you may need to check the definition again." Jeremy retorts. "Because you got fired from your job and didn't tell anyone!" Elena blurts, ruining any chance of making Jeremy stay.

"Can this wait till later?" Jeremy asks. "I have Tyler waiting for me outside." He admits making me and Alaric share a look before we look back at Jeremy. "Since when you are friends with Tyler?" I wonder. "Yeah. Tyler Lockwood, Klaus's first successful hybrid?" Elena adds. "That's the one." Jeremy nods, looking between us. "Does it matter?"

"He's dangerous. Klaus is not going to suddenly forgive us for trying to kill him." Elena argues and I scoff. "You mean, forgive you. I didn't do anything." I argue and Elena rolls her eyes. "Keep rolling them like that and you might find a brain back there." I tease making her glare at me as I smirk.

"He can hear you. Besides, you of all people are going to lecture me on who I can and can't hang out with?" Jeremy retorts. "What's with the attitude?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. "I'm just saying. We all know who you two hang out with. And Natalie has befriended the Original vampires." Jeremy shrugs, starting to grab the stuff he came in for. "Come on, Natty. You're meant to be the cool sister."

I narrow my eyes, wondering why Jeremy is acting like a complete dick. "Whatever. This is lame. Tyler's waiting." He continues. "No, no, no." Elena mutters as she blocks his path. "You're not going anywhere, especially not with Tyler." She declares making Jeremy look at me and Alaric for help. "She's right, for once. You aren't going with him, it's for your safety." I tell him.

"Safety?" Jeremy scoffs, staring straight at me. "This is coming from the hybrid who was with Klaus all summer and killed god only know show many people." He argues and my stomach drops at his words. "Jeremy!" Alaric scolds in anger. "What the hell? She did it to save Damon, you idiot." He snaps. "Alaric, it's fine." I tell him softly but he shakes his head. "No, it's not." He argues.

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