102. Vampire Round Up

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Natalie's POV

Matts truck had driven off the bridge last night after me and Stefan had gotten off the phone with Rebekah. Me and Stefan had rushed to where they were and I instantly dived in, wanting to pull Elena out, only she told me to grab Matt first. I had listened and swam him up to Stefan before I went back for Elena, only she wasn't breathing.

I had thought, right then and there, I had lost my sister but what we didn't know, was Meredith had given Elena some of Damon's blood when she was in hospital. So, now Elena is in transition and hasn't left her room since we brought her home. Damon has been badgering her to turn which resulted in an argument, leaving me to check on Elena.

"Hey." I knock on Elena's door, pushing it open slowly and I watch Elena's head whip in my direction. "It's just me. I left Damon downstairs with Stefan. Are you okay?" I ask her softly. "I-I'm fine." Elena hesitates, looking like she can't seem to concentrate as she looks around her bedroom.

Her curtains are drawn and she keeps wincing at the light coming from her bedside lamp. "Lena, I'm your sister. This is me you're talking too. Not Mr Broody downstairs." I utter as I sit down on the edge of Elena's bed. "Trust me, I know that it really doesn't seem like it right now, but everything will get easier with time. You'll learn to adjust." I explain.

"Nat, did you- did you feel like this?" Elena asks curiously and I nod. "Of course I did. Every vampire that's in transition goes through this stage." I assure her. "How did you deal with it?" Elena wonders and I smile softly. "I had Stefan by my side." I reply. "Damon really wants me to complete the transition." Elena admits.

"Elena, it's completely up to you. No one can decide for you. Becoming a vampire is a big thing and a drastic life change. But, I can see where Damon is coming from." I explain making her look at me. "We have our ups and downs, but I don't want to lose my twin. You're my sister, Elena." I utter as tears well in my eyes and I see the same in hers.

"But I won't force you. It's your choice." I tell her softly. "I never wanted to be a vampire. I was ready to die, Nat. We both should have died the night that mom and dads car went of the bridge. It almost seemed like fate that it happened again." Elena swallows while shaking her head, a light scoff escaping her lips. "I just- I just don't think I can do this, Nat."

"Being in transition, it's horrible. Everything hurt or ached. Everything was brighter. Sounds were louder and at first, I didn't understand. But then, when I turned, I understood it. I felt amazing. Strong. Independent. Brave." I explain, a small smile on my lips which prompts one to form on Elena's.

"For a long time, I didn't feel brave. I didn't feel weak but I didn't feel as strong as I am now. Everyone around me has always saved me, but now, I can save myself. I have the ability too. And, I do love being a vampire. Because not only do I feel better but, I get eternity with Stefan." I say, thinking of my man who is downstairs.

"But you can't let anyone sway you. No one can decide for you. If this isn't what you want, then I will help you in any possible way to get you out of this." I tell her and Elena moves forward wrapping her arms around me. "Thank you." She whispers in my ear and I smile softly, rubbing my hand up and down her back.


"How is she?" Stefan asks once I jump up on the counter, watching him make tea. I heard Damon storm out of the house, stroppily, a few minutes before I came down. "Struggling. And it doesn't help with Damon trying to force her." I utter. Elena had attempted to come downstairs, but the brightness made her hiss so Stefan suggested it would be better if she stayed upstairs.

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