88. How Could You?!

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Natalie's outfit

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Natalie's outfit

Natalie's POV

"Morning, Mama Liz." I greet as I walk through Caroline's home, carrying a bag of presents for Caroline's birthday. "Morning, sweetie." Liz replies, smiling softly. "Do you think she'll like my presents?" I ask her suddenly. "Off course. She loves birthdays. You know that." She says and I nod. "That's an understatement. She's a perfect princess on her birthdays." I mumble sarcastically.

"I can hear you, Lee!" Caroline calls out. "I meant that as nice as I could!" I reply making Liz laugh. Caroline finally leaves her room, her hair ruffled with sleep. "Well, don't you look pretty?" I tease and she glares at me before she sees the bag of presents. "You had to go all out, didn't you?" She asks and I nod. "Off course. You're my best friend." I say, pecking her cheek. "Happy birthday!" I cheer after and she gives me a soft smile. "Thank you."


"Alright, fess up." I demand as we look through Caroline's clothes, picking out an outfit. "What do you mean?" Caroline chuckles nervously, fidgeting with the friendship ring I brought her. I knew she wasn't a huge fan of her daylight ring so I brought her one that I knew she would like. "Care, I know you better than anyone else. What's wrong?" I ask, giving her a knowing look.

"I- remember how all I could talk about was my birthday?" Caroline asks after sighing in defeat before I nod. "Yeah, I contemplated buying a stripper." I joke making her chuckle faintly. "I'm not in the mood to celebrate." She confesses, looking down at the floor. "I'm sorry that I'm ruining your entire plan, but it's a reminder that I'm literally dead." She explains.

"Oh, Care. It's fine. Honestly." I tell her softly with an understanding smile making Caroline look at me surprised. "You're not mad at me? You brought me all those gifts and I've only opened one." She utters. "I may of stole most of them." I whisper, shrugging as she laughs. "Compelling has made shopping so much easier." I defend.

"And why would I be mad? You can open them when you're ready or when you're bored. What you're feeling is understandable, Care. Having a birthday isn't fun when you're dead." I explain in understanding and Caroline lets out a sigh of relief. "You're dead too, Lee." She utters. "I want a birthday for the money. That's all." I shrug.

"Well, don't you have you're priorities straight?" She jokes. "Obviously." I chuckle. "Let's go somewhere. Everyone is waiting at to celebrate your birthday at school." I tell her. "Oh, no." She groans. "I'll have to see Tyler." She complains but I shake my head. "Not today you won't. It'll just be me and you, Care. Two dead bitches on a mission."

"Sounds good." Caroline agrees and I nod. "It will be."


Me and Caroline have been at the beach for god only knows how long, but Caroline's had a smile on her face all day, so that's all that matters. Caroline is currently in the water, with her jeans folded up so they don't get wet as I sit on the beach. "Come on, Lee!" Caroline calls out to me.

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