72. I Need To Get Back To Elijah

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Stefan's POV

"Thank god you're here. Everything is so screwed up, Nat." I hear Elena say making me instantly stand up, knowing she is speaking to Natalie before I vamp-speed down to the foyer, just as Elena pulls back from Natalie. I don't give her chance to reply as I rush over to her and cup her face in my hands, lowering my lips to hers.

I don't care that I have just ruined a moment between the two sisters as I kiss my girl passionately and fiercely. It lasts for a minute or two before I wrap my arms tightly around Natalie's shoulders and bring her to my chest. I breathe in her vanilla and coconut scent that always calms me down before I murmur against her temple. "Hi."

I feel Natalie tilt her head up and place a soft kiss on my exposed collar bone making me relax against her slightly. "Hi." She mumbles back. The calmness doesn't last long between us as Natalie pulls back from me but I keep my arm around her waist, not wanting her away from me. "Where's Jenna?" She questions looking between me and Elena.

Elena releases a heavy and emotional sigh before she nods her head to the set of double doors. "She's in the study." She informs before crossing her arms over her chest and shaking her head tiredly. "I tried to calm her down but I don't think it worked. S-she doesn't want to talk to me." She mumbles with sadness in her tone.

Natalie releases a small sigh as she looks at Elena. "We're gonna fix this, like we always do. Jenna's just confused right now." She says softly and Elena silently nods her head in agreement. "I just don't want her to hate me." She whispers. "She doesn't hate you. She's just shocked and confused and probably scared after finding out vampires are real." Natalie assures.

"You remember what you was like when you found out?" She then reminds Elena, giving her a pointed look. "It's a lot to take in at one time." She says before patting my back and going to walk away but I shake my head and pull her back to me. "I need to talk to Jenna." She utters. "I know." I say before pulling her along with me to the study.

Natalie shakes her head amused as I open the door and we both walk in to see Jenna anxiously biting her lip. "Hey, J." Natalie greets softly making Jenna instantly lift her head up and rush into Natalie's arms. Natalie hugs her aunt back tightly, rubbing her hand up and down her back as Jenna let's out a loud and painful sob that I can tell breaks Natalie's heart.

"Oh, Jen." She mumbles sadly before slowly walking Jenna over to the couch and sitting them both down as I move to sit behind Natalie. "I'm so sorry." She apologies and I can hear the guilt in her tone. "It's not your fault, Nat. I-I'm the one that's supposed to be protecting you guys." Jenna argues as she tightens her arms around Natalie.

"You do protect us, J. This was on us- on me. I just...I didn't want you in any danger and I didn't want you to get hurt. I didn't want any of this for you." Natalie argues back, shaking her head. "Nat, v-vampires are real." Jenna stutters out. "I know Elena tried to explain everything to you, but-" Natalie starts to say but Jenna shakes her head.

"Listen, you don't have to be afraid of Stefan or Damon. They are good people, even if Damon gets on everyone's nerves." Natalie says, smiling softly making Jenna chuckle slightly. "Not all vampires are bad. But the ones like Klaus are the ones that you need to be worried about and always on guard around. Those are the ones that we've been trying to protect you from."

"I don't know what to believe anymore." Jenna mumbles softly before releasing a humourless laugh. "I thought I knew what was real but apparently I was wrong." She says in disbelief. "Look, everything is still fresh in your mind. It'll take some time but you'll understand everything eventually and it will be like you've known about them all along." Natalie tells her softly.

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