76. Thank God

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Stefan's POV

Natalie lays still on my bed as I sit next to her, holding her cold hand in my own as silent tears drip down my cheeks. "Stefan." Damon calls as he walks into my room but I don't move my eyes from Natalie. "Everyone's downstairs. We're, um, we're going to have a drink for Tia and Jenna." He tells me.

I still don't answer him making him sigh and walk over to me. He looks down at Natalie sadly, quietly sniffling. "Stefan, don't do anything stupid." He reprimands and I reluctantly take my eyes off of Natalie and turn to glare at Damon. "Like what, Damon? Stake myself so I can be with my girl? My girl, the love of my life, who's never coming back to me?" I question angrily.

"She wouldn't want you to do that." Damon stayed softly and I scoff. "You don't know what she would want. We will never know what she wants again!" I yell before shaking my head. "She's gone, Damon. My Laine, she's gone." I whisper as I start to cry. "I can't do this without her." I admit. "But you're not alone, Stefan." Damon tells me.

"Everyone downstairs is here for you. Just...just come down for even a minute." He adds softly and I sigh. "Just a minute." I agree, gently letting go of Natalie's hand. I stand up and lean down to press my lips against her cold skin. I look down at her solemnly before I start to follow behind Damon. However, before we get outside the door, a loud gasp suddenly stops us in our tracks.

We both share a look before quickly turning around to see Natalie sitting up in my bed, gasping out in panicked breaths as she glances around frantically. I speed over to her and pull her into my arms, relief instantly filling me. "S-Stefan." Natalie mumbles, a confused tone in her voice that makes me pull back. "How the hell?" Damon questions as he looks Natalie over in disbelief.

I cup her face in my hands and I instantly know how. "She's transitioning." I murmur making Damon snap his head to me. "What? How?" He questions and I look up at him. "I don't know. I didn't get the time to feed her my blood." I admit as Natalie starts to gulp. "Why am I so thirsty?" She questions looking between us.

"You're transitioning, baby." I tell her and she looks up at me in confusion. "How?" She wonders and I shrug. "I'm not sure. Me or Damon didn't get to give you our blood in time." I explain. "I'm gonna go grab some blood bags, just in case. I'll let you two talk." Damon utters before he gently rubs Natalie's arm. "I'm glad you're not dead, Tia." He states, giving her a small smile.

He silently walks out of the room before I turn back to Natalie, looking into her eyes. "Hi." I whisper and she sniffles lowly. "Hi." She whispers back before I pull her into a deep kiss. She kisses me back deeply, her hands gripping my arms tightly making me let out a pained chuckle. "What?" She asks confused. "You're very strong, baby." I tease and she looks down at my arms, seeing how tight she's gripping them.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She utters sheepishly, moving her hands of my arms and I shake my head. "It's okay, baby." I tell her, rubbing my thumb across her cheek. "This happened a lot sooner than we planned, huh?" I state, remembering the conversation we had about her wanting to turn, but we didn't plan to do it this early. "Yeah, very." She agrees, nodding her head.

"Do you still want to?" I wonder and she instantly nods her head. "Off course I do." She assures firmly and I sigh in relief. "You know, watching you die last night, was the worst thing I've ever been through." I admit and she looks at me sadly. "My whole world disappeared the minute I saw the life leave your beautiful eyes."

"Stefan..." she mumbles sadly as I feel tears build in my eyes again. "I lost you. And I thought I would never get you back." I continue, as she wipes my tears away. "My heart broke, Laine." I whisper and she climbs into my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I'm right here. I promise, Stefan, I'm right here." She whispers back before tilting my head so our lips meet.

The Vampire Diaries: Natalie Gilbert Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt