67. The Deeds To The Boarding House

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Natalie's POV

A loud groan leaves my mouth as my eyes start to flutter open. Ignoring the pain in head, I start to look around and see I'm inside an unknown car with Elena unconscious beside me. Another groan escapes my lips, only this one in annoyance as I realise I've been kidnapped again. "This crap is really pissing me off." I snap to myself as I start to look around the car for anything useful.

However, the car is completely bare, including of dust. I release a sigh of defeat before dropping my head against the window when I hear a clink. I pull my head back and raise my hand to my hair, feeling knife pins in the back of my half up, half down hair do. I smirk as I pull them out, letting my fall freely down.

I hold them tightly in my hand as Elena starts to wake up with a groan. I quickly climb out of the car and make my way around to her side, before crouching down. "Hey, you okay?" I ask as she looks around the car before her eyes meet mine. "Kathrine." She whispers and I frown. "What about Kathrine?" I ask confused. "She did this." Elena tells me.

I think back to before I got hit over the head and remember someone apologising. "I know exactly why she did this." I say making Elena furrow her eyebrows at me. "Kathrine brought us to Isobel before she betrayed Kathrine so she can hand us over to Klaus herself." I explain before glancing around, seeing we are surrounded by a cemetery.

I swiftly turned around and see Isobel is standing slightly behind us. "So, what?" I call out as I help Elena out of the car and glare at Isobel. "You're just gonna hand us over to the big, bad hybrid? You made a deal, right? Our lives for yours?" I then let out a humourless chuckle when Isobel avoids looking into my eyes. "Wow! You really are a cold hearted, selfish bitch that would turn her back on her own blood."

Isobel doesn't reply to my harsh words before she takes a couple of steps to the right, and stops in front of tombstone, silently beginning to push away the dark brown leaves that had fallen around the grave. Me and Elena glance at each other in confusion as we watch Isobel focus on one tombstone.

We are both angry at her but can't help be curious as to why we are in the middle of a cemetery. I grab Elena's hand, keeping her beside me protectively as we take a couple of steps closer to where Isobel is standing. "What is this?" Elena wonders as she tries to read over Isobel's shoulder.

Isobel let's out an uncommon shaky breath as she stares at the tombstone before turning her body to the side to show us what it says. 'In loving memory ~ Isobel Flemming ~ Jan 18, 1978 ~ May 4, 2007.' The tombstone reads. "My parents, your grandparents, they put it here when it became clear that the police weren't going to find the body." Isobel explains before a small smile graces her lips.

"They visit every week, and they bring flowers, even though there's no one buried here. But the Isobel they knew is dead." She slowly turns her attention to me and Elena. "Maybe there's a part of me buried here." She states with a half-smile as she points towards her tombstone. "The- the human part. The part that I abandoned when I- when I chose to become a vampire. The part that I used to dream about the day that she'd know her two beautiful daughters."

"What?" Elena gasps in shock that there was even a part of Isobel that cared about us but I just watch emotionless. Isobel shrugs her shoulders carelessly to hide her true feelings. "Instead you guys got to meet the other part. The part that would betray her own flesh and blood." Isobel gives me a small smirk as she repeats my words.

"I'm so sorry, girls." Isobel then apologises and for once, I can tell she's being sincere. "I'm sorry I was such a disappointment to you and your sister." She gives us a small smile before she continues. "If I could go back in time, I'd like to believe I would have picked my daughters over my obsession with vampires. It'll haunt me forever. I wished I could have seen you guys grow up to the beautiful girls you are now..."

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