120. Lost In New York

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Natalie's outfit

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Natalie's outfit

Klaus's POV

Silas had chosen me as his first victim. After Caroline had unknowingly completed the Expression Triangle, I got a surprise visit from the only person who posed as a threat to me. In pain, I remain in my home, feeling the white oak stake shift in my chest. Which each movement I made, I feel it wander closer to my heart.

The fear of death haunts me, as it always did. Although I acted like the toughest man to walk to earth, that is far from the truth. Like most people, I fear that one day, death would come knocking on my door. It doesn't matter if I had immortality. But yet, the white oak makes me wonder if any of my lifetimes were truly pleasant, if I had ever truly known what peace was.

I feel relief embrace me when I hear Natalie's voice ring through my ears. "Klaus? I need to ask a favour!" She calls out, her footsteps nearing to me. Her eyes widen when they settle on me. Sweat beads across my skin, I wear no shirt, due to all the attempts to pluck the withe oak from myself. "What the fuck happened to you?" She inquires.

Leaning against the fireplace, I can describe how happy I am to see my Angel. Concern is sprawled across her face as she approaches me. "Silas. He attacked me, and stabbed me with the white oak stake." I explain, my voice strained with frustration and pain. "A piece of it is still inside of me."

"Fuck! Klaus, that could kill you." Natalie curses as she examines my back. "Well, I certainly feel like I'm dying." I chuckle humourlessly. Natalie places her hand on my face, pivoting my attention to her face as her eyes study mine. With physical touch being completely foreign to me, I normally hate it but when it comes to Natalie, I love it.

My blue eyes pierce her green ones and I couldn't decipher the emotion bubbling up in my chest. But suddenly crushing my hopes, Natalie whispers. "As much as I would love to watch you die, you still haven't found me the cure." Disappointment and rage filling me, I push the brunette away. "Silas!" I growl, loathing how he's using Natalie.

Smirking, Natalie/Silas backs away, unbothered by my outburst. "That's right. Last night I looked like Shane, today I look like the incredibly beautiful Natalie. And tomorrow, who knows?" He shrugs. "Show me your real face." I demand through clenched teeth. "Now why would I do that when I can look like whoever I want you to see?" Silas questions, his stance radiating power.

"Why would I do that when I can look like the girl you're in love with? Too bad for you. She's off the market and perfectly happy with Stefan Salvatore." He goads. "What are you talking about?" I exclaim, furrowing my eyebrows. I don't like how much Silas knows about Natalie, which only means he's been watching her. "God, you really suck at hiding your feelings for her." Silas smiles in amusement.

"Resist me all you want Klaus, but until you bring me the cure, I will bring you nothing but misery. I will take away everything you hold dear, and I will start with Natalie Gilbert." He warns. The second Silas mentions he would kill Natalie, my hands ball into tight fists. I hate feeling powerless, especially when I'm supposed to be the strongest creature on earth, ever since I broke my curse.

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