61. Founding Memories

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Natalie's POV

I walk down the stairs, my legs sore from last night as I carry some Gilbert journals I had found and sit down on the couch, picking one up. I read through the first pages before I stop on a page that mentions Fell's Church. "With dying embers of the fire at Fells Church, the scourge of the vampires has passed. And though war raged all around us, our town was safe from the demons of the night...or so we thought." I read.

I quickly flip to the next page, intrigued to know more about what happened after they thought they got rid of all the vampires. "For the monsters we drove to their fiery deaths, had begat new monsters." I continue to read before I get pulled into the story from the nineteenth century.

Inside the estate of Johnathan Gilbert's, was a brewing party as the founding families celebrated the end of all the vampires that were in their small town of Mystic Falls. There was drinks of strong whiskey for the men and red wine for the women being toasted around the large table with lavish foods being served. It was the perfect evening for their defeat against the night creatures.

However, all the cheering, laughing and talking were all soon interrupted when a loud creaking sound ran throughout the large dining room of the Gilbert residence by the ceiling to floor window that gave the founding families a clear view of the night sky. "Did you hear that?" Honoria Fell whispers nervously after a moment of silence as she was the only one brave enough to utter a single word.

Thomas Fell, Honoria's husband, quickly walks over to the large window and peers out into the darkness. However, the only thing Thomas could see was his wooden carriage and his calm white horse. Thomas didn't like the unknown, so he swiftly walked back to the dining room table and grabbed the largest silver knife he could find before he commanded the group. "Stay here."

"No, Thomas!" Honoria begged as she hurriedly stood up from her chair before moving her worried eyes to Thomas. The brunette woman feared that her husband would get hurt and she did not want that to happen as there could be something out there...something deadly.

"It is all right, dear." Thomas assured his wife as he stared into her furrowed brown eyes with a small smile. He then glanced at the calm men and the concerned women around the table as he added to assure them as well. "The vampires are all dead."

"Yes, Honoria." The man of the Gilbert estate muttered as he stared at the Fell woman to convince her and everyone else that there was absolutely nothing to worry about. "They burned in the church." Jonathan promised. "We're safe now."

Once Thomas realised that Johnathan had calmed his wife down for the time being, he squeezed his fingers around the handle of the knife before he swiftly left the dining room and exited the Gilbert estate altogether to see what was the cause of the noise from outside.

The dining room was then overcome by a thick and nervous silence as the founding families all glanced at one another in worry. However, though, Honoria couldn't take the suspense any longer as she was growing concerned as the seconds ticked by, so she was the one to interrupt the tense silence. "Please, Johnathan." She begs before mumbling anxiously. "I'm worried."

Johnathan wasn't one to be scared, but he was beginning to become concerned about his friend as they hadn't heard anything in a quite a few minutes. "Very well." He muttered before he slowly stood up from his chair and told the worried woman. "I shall go too."

Johnathan then looked around the table for a moment as he gave the founding families an assuring smile before he silently walked out of the room and made his way onto the porch, where he quickly noticed Thomas looking around with the kitchen knife, ready to attack. "I can prove there are no vampires." Johnathan spoke up as he knew there was no need to worry.

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