95. Women Can Do It Better

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Natalie's outfit

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Natalie's outfit

Stefan's POV

Unable to find the words to describe what I'm feeling, I click my pen repeatedly, my eyes shut. All the events that occurred yesterday are still fresh in my mind, reminding me of the suffocating sensation I felt when I thought Natalie was dead. I don't know if I can handle it again.

"Dear diary..." Damon suddenly says as he leans against my doorway. "A chipmunk asked me my name today. I told him it was Joe. That lie will haunt me forever." He utters sarcastically and I roll my eyes. "What do you want?" I grumble, still bitter about what he did. My girl could have died because of him.

"Let's put aside the fact that I snapped your neck..." Damon starts as I sigh in annoyance. "And the fact that I hurt your little girlfriend." He finishes lowly making me glare at him. "She's the love of my life, Damon." I correct. "There could've been a better way to handle the situation " I argue.

"Tia is alive, Stefan. Get over it." Damon grumbles. "What do you want?" I repeat. It's too early in the morning to deal with Damon's comments and I just want to see Natalie. She wasn't in bed when I woke up this morning. "To hang. You know, a little brother bonding. I know we don't actually do that. We team up. We join forces, activate our wonder twin powers." Damon replies as he starts to look through my journals.

"What are you doing?" I question, just watching him. "Digging up clues. The Originals might have left town but we have a who-done-it going on. Hey, do you remember when we came back for Zachariahs funeral?" Damon asks. "Vaguely. Why?" I wonder. "Because if memory serves, he wasn't the first founders council member killed that year or even that month." Damon answers.

"Your point being?" I ask, wanting a straight answer from him. "What year was it?" Damon inquires. "1912." I answer without a glimmer a doubt. "So much for vaguely." He mumbles sarcastically, throwing me a certain journal. In truth, I have very good memory which can be a good thing or a bad thing. For me, it's mostly bad as I can't seem to forget all the bad things I have done over the years.

"1912. Or as I like to call it, the last time Mystic Falls had a serial killer on its hands." Damon retorts as I begin to read through the journal, remembering the emotions I felt while writing each word. "So, what do you say, brother? You wanna grab a drink?" Damon wonders as I begin having unpleasant flash backs.

"Why should I help you?" I ask him. "Because Alaric is sitting in a jail cell for crimes he didn't commit, and Tia has gathered information from Liz to help." Damon says bluntly and Natalie's name catches my attention. "Why didn't you say that in the first place? I've been wondering where Laine's been all morning." I say, already heading out of my room.


Finding Natalie at the Grill, we see her sat a table with tons of papers surrounding her. Based on how fixated she is, I can tell she hasn't moved in ages. I slide in the seat next to her, placing my arm around the back of her chair. "Laine." I call but she doesn't look up. "Laine." I call in a sing-song voice but still nothing.

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