5. First Kiss

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Stefan's POV

As I sit in my room, I hear a knock on my door. "Go away, Zach!" I say but another knock comes. "Go away!" I yell again but another knocks sounds on my door making me sigh frustrated as I get up from my bed and walk over to my door.

"I said go-" I stop short as I pull open the door to see Natalie standing outside my door, a small smile on her face. "Hi. Zach let me in. Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." She says and I shake my head. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout. Come in." I say moving out the way, letting her walk into my room, her heels clicking against the floor.

"Are you okay? You left the party pretty quick." Natalie says as I close the door and she sits down on my bed, glancing around my room. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just take off. Something happened here that Zach needed my help with." I explain quickly and she nods.

"You have a nice room." She compliments and I smile a little as I sit down next to her. "Thanks. Did you get home okay?" I ask worriedly and she nods. "Yeah, all good." She tells me. "So...how was your first Mystic Falls party?" She asks and I chuckle.

"Different. But there was one part that I enjoyed the most." I tell her and she tilts her head slightly. "And what was that?" She asks. "I got to see and spend time with this beautiful girl that I like." I tell her and she blushes slightly.

"You seemed distracted. Did something happen?" She asks softly and I sigh. "My brother came back today." I tell her and she nods. "The one you don't talk to?" She asks and I nod. "He still a dick?" She asks making me chuckle. "Very much."

"He always been a dick?" Natalie asks and I shake my head. "No, not always." I say quietly and she nods understandingly. "Yeah, I know how siblings can change." She says and I see her frown slightly. "Elena?" I question knowingly and she nods. "I don't know what her problem is with me lately."

"Have you asked?" I suggests and she scoffs. "And have Elena throw a hissy fit, making it all about her? No thanks. I've had enough of her toddler tantrums to last me a lifetime." She says. "I just...I just know she's not my twin anymore."

"Have you changed?" I ask and she nods a little. "Yeah. I mean, I've always had an attitude and always stuck up for myself but I've become a lot tougher and definitely more protective of Jeremy." She says. "I've noticed. You're a good sister." I tell her truthfully and she smiles softly.

I glance down to her lips as she looks back up at me. My eyes drift back to hers as I begin to lean in. She slowly moves in as I bring my hand up to rest on her cheek. "I really want to kiss you." I tell her and her lips tilt up. "So kiss me." She says and I lean closer, pressing my lips against hers.

A sparks runs through me as I squeeze her hip with my left hand as my right hand gently cradles her neck. I keep the kiss soft but firm, feeling her move closer to me. Her hand creeps up to my hair, gripping it slightly as she kisses me back just as firmly.

I pull away slowly, pecking her lips once more before my forehead rests on her own and our eyes connect. "I thought you would be a good kisser but I didn't think you would be that good." She says making me chuckle slightly. She smiles at me before biting her lip, leaning forward as she kisses me again, only for a lot longer this time.

I don't know how long I kiss her for as Zach suddenly walks into my room. "What is Damon doing here? Why did he come..." he trails off as me and Natalie break apart and Zach looks at us both in shock. "...home? Uh, hi Natalie."

"Hi Zach." Natalie says, smiling softly at him. "You know Zach?" I ask as I look at Natalie. "Yeah, he helped me with the photos I took of this place. Even helped me create a dark room for them." She explains and I nod.

I quickly remember Zach mentioning Damon and I look at Natalie who catches on. "I better get home, or Jenna might 'try' to ground me." She says sarcastically and I chuckle before nodding. "I'll see you tomorrow." I tell her and she nods, walking towards the door.

"Night Zach." She says and he nods, making out of her way. "Night, Natalie." He says before she walks out, quickly turning around, giving me one last smile before she walks away.

"Why is Damon here?" Zack asks once Natalie's out of ear shot. "Because I came home. He wants to make my life miserable. That's how he enjoys this." I tell him, shrugging. "Well, he's putting us all at risk." He points out. "This girl in hospital could talk." He adds.

"She won't. I'll take care of her." I assure him. "Is she worth it, uncle Stefan?" He asks, motioning to Natalie who just left. I turn away from Zach to hide my frustration at the question. But then I think of the last few days and how much I've smiled since I've met Natalie.

Looking back at Zach, I smile. "She's worth it."


Damon's POV

"She's worth it." I hear Stefan tell Zach as I watch Natalie walk out of the house. I look out the window and a small smirk comes to my face. "Well, she is beautiful." I say to myself, watching the way her hips move as she walks.

"Game on, Stefan."

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