24. Logan's A Vampire?!

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Natalie's POV

I quickly stand up from the couch, ignoring the sudden dizziness and rush over to my aunt. "No, she's not." I say firmly making Logan look at me and his smirk drops. "I was out of town and I missed you." He then tells Jenna.

"Yeah, I got your, uh, email." Jenna tells him. "You got an email?" Logan asks amused. "You didn't send an email?" Jenna asks him confused. Logan looks in thought for a moment as I give him a pointed look and Jenna glares at him.

"Look, I can explain. Just invite me in and I'll tell you everything." He begs and I scoff, moving in front of Jenna, blocking Logan's view of her. "Listen, dipshit, she's not gonna invite you in. You're not welcome, so you can forget it." I tell him and he glares at me before looking at Jenna.

"Come on, Jenna, I know you. You're always one step to maybe and a tiny nudge to yes." He says and anger fills me. I clench my fist before throwing it into Logan's jaw, hearing it snap. He loses his balance and stumbles back, his hand flying to his jaw. "You son of a bitch. You speak to her like that again and your jaw won't be the only thing I break." I warn before slamming the door shut.



I wake up the next morning, instantly checking my phone before I remember that Stefan left. He always texts me 'good morning' before we meet at school. I still check and I'm surprised when I see a text from both Salvatore's. 'Tia, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you.' Is what Damon's text says which surprises me.

'Baby, I'm sorry. I don't want to leave but I have no choice. Too much has happened and you've gotten hurt too many times. Just because I'm leaving doesn't mean I don't love you, because I do. I always will. I'm doing this to protect you and I hope you can forgive me. I love you, Lainey. X' Stefan's text says.

I shake my head, wiping my cheek as I read Stefan's text. I close my phone before angrily flipping my cover off me, storming over to my closest. I quickly get dressed in my outfit before brushing my teeth and going my hair and makeup.

Satisfied, I grab my bag and jacket, heading out of my room. Just as I go to walk down the stairs, I glance into Jeremy's room and see him stay with his sketchbook out which brings a small smile to my face.

"Jeremy has his sketchbook out." I tell Elena and Jenna as I walk down the stairs. "You're kidding?" Elena asks shocked, a small smile on her face. "No, but don't say anything to him. The minute we encourage him, he'll put it away." I tell her and she nods in agreement.

"Psychology major, check that." Jenna laughs, handing me a cup of coffee and placed her bag over her shoulder. "Have you heard from Stefan?" Elena asks carefully and I sigh. "Yeah." I say simply and she gets the hint that I want to talk about him.

"Logan dropped by last night." Jenna tells Elena who gives her a stern look in return. "Don't worry. Nat sorted it and I wouldn't let him past the front door." Jenna assures her. "Jenna, you're not even allowed to watch the news." I tell her before me and Elena head out to go to school.

Hopefully, it distracts me from a certain someone.


Stefan's POV

"Thank you for stopping by." Damon says, leading sheriff Forbes to the front door. "Let me know what you come up with." She tells him. "Absolutely." Damon nods, closing the behind her after she walks out.

As soon as the door clicks, I vamp-speed over to him and slam him against the door. "What is wrong with you? You killed somebody?" I ask. "Get off me." Damon grumbles, pushing me away from him.

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