22. Alaric

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Natalie's POV

"Have you even talked to Bonnie?" Elena asks as me, her and Caroline walk down the hallway of school. "No, I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move." Caroline replies in a stroppy tone. "Be the bigger person." Elena retorts and I roll my eyes. "Yeah, because you would do that." I mumble to myself.

"Ugh! Impossible in her presence." Caroline groans. "Why are you both fighting again?" I ask confused. "She's a thief, that's why. I gave her my necklace and she refuses to give it back. It's a matter of principle." Caroline explains. "Okay, we tried. Me and Nat are officially out of it." Elena states and I nod in agreement.

"Good. Your turn, Lee. Where's Stefan?" Caroline asks me curiously. "Didn't feel like coming to school." I answer, not saying the real reason. "But he's okay?" She questions softly and I nod just as the bell for next class starts to ring. "Okay, see you later." Caroline pecks my cheek before she walks off.

I shake my head before me and Elena walk to history and I sit down in my usual seat, glancing at Stefan's, not liking that it's empty. I sigh, pulling out my textbook just as my phone beeps. I pull it out of my pocket and see a text from Stefan making me instantly open it. 'I'm sorry I'm not in school. Couldn't face it today. Love you. X' He messaged and I smile softly. 'It's okay, I understand. Love you more. X' I reply.

I go to put my phone away when it suddenly beeps again. 'Not possible, baby. X' Stefan argue and I chuckle softly just as I hear the new teacher walk in. "Good morning." A strong male voice greets making me look up to see a cute looking man at the front of the class. "Alrighty, Alaric Saltzman." The new teacher points to his name on the board. "It's a mouthful, I know. It doesn't exactly roll of the tongue." He comments.

"Saltzman is of German origins, my family immigrated here in 1755 to Texas. I, however, was born and raised in Boston. Now, the name 'Alaric' belongs to a very dead great-grandfather I will never be able to thank enough. You'll probably wanna announce it 'Ala-Ric' buts it's Alaric, okay? So, you can call me Ric, I'm your new history teacher." He explains. My lips tilt up, already liking this new teacher. Already preferring him to Mr Dick- I mean, Mr Tanner.


Stefan's POV

"Rise and shine! Gonna be late for school." Damon yells, starling a sleeping me. "What are you- what are you doing?" I ask groggily as  Damon waltzes about in my room. "Peace offering." Damon offers me a glass of blood but I ignore him and the blood, climbing out of my bed. "Come on, you need it for blood circulation." Damon blocks my way.

"Does dead flesh good. Plus, if I'm gonna be helping you protect Tia, you're gonna need to be at your best." He continues but I don't say anything. "Alright, I'm sorry." He apologises but I ignore him again and walk around Damon, going towards my bathroom. "I got the town off our backs. It was for the greater good, but I'm sorry. And to prove it, I'm not gonna feed on a human for at least a week. I'll adopt the Stefan diet, only nothing with feathers." Damon tells me.

"Because I realise that killing your closest and oldest friend is beyond evil and yet somehow, it's worthy of humour." I utter, stepping out of the bathroom and grabbing a shirt. "Are you mimicking me?" Damon questions, furrowing his eyebrows. "Yes, Stefan." I reply sarcastically, buttoning up my shirt. "Now that the secret society of vampire-haters is off our backs, I can go back to my routine of how I can destroy Stefan's life this week?"

"And I can go back to sulking and wanting my girl to be in my arms, never wanting her to be away from me." Damon mocks me. "This is fun, I like this." He grins. "And I will finally reveal the ulterior motive behind my evil and diabolical return to Mystic Falls." I continue. "Yeah, I'm done." Damon mutters before he walks away. "This is so like you. Damon, always have to have the last word."

The Vampire Diaries: Natalie Gilbert Where stories live. Discover now