6. I Like You

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Natalie's POV

"Morning." Elena says as she walks down the stairs and I grab my bag when Jenna stops both of us. "Hold on you two. Do I look adult?" She asks, showing me and Elena her outfit. "As in, respectfully parental?"

"Depends where you're going." Elena says and I nod. "Jeremy's parent teacher conference." Jenna informs us, walking up to the mirror making me and Elena look at each other confused. "Hair up or down?" Jenna asks.

"Sexy stewardess." I tease and Jenna drops her hair back down. "Boozy housewife." Elena tells her. "Up it is." Jenna grumbles making me and Elena laugh. "Both of you are feisty today." Jenna comments. "What're you talking about, aunt J? I'm always feisty." I say and she nods.

"True. What's your excuse?" She asks, looking at Elena. "I feel good today." She say, smiling softly. "Which is rare. So I've decided to go with it." She adds. "Yeah, walk on sunshine, fly free. All that cliche stuff." I say making Jenna chuckle.

"Where's Jeremy?" Elena questions as she looks up the stairs. "Oh, he left early. Something about getting to woodshop early to finish a birdhouse?" Jenna says making me and Elena look at each other knowingly. "There is no woodshop, is there?" Jenna sighs.

"Nope." I say making Jenna shake her head, clearly embarrassed by getting tricked by a teenager.


Stefan's POV

I sit waiting on one of the benches outside of school, when Natalie's car pulls up and her and Elena climb out. Natalie puts her bag on her shoulder as she glances around before seeing me and a smile comes onto her face.

I get up as she walks over to me and I smile at her. "Good morning." I say. "Good morning." She replies before I lean down and kiss her softly. "I can get used to that." She says making me chuckle. "Definitely." I agree before noticing Elena roll her eyes before she walks over to Caroline and Bonnie.

"Your over-protective best friend is currently watching us right now." I tell Natalie, looking over her shoulder. "No. Really?" She fake gasps making me look at her pointedly as she smiles. "She's not that bad." She tells me.

I look back at Caroline and gulp when I see her glare, directed at me. "You sure about that?" I whisper in her ear, feeling heartbeat skip. "Okay, she's not that bad with me." She corrects before we start walking over to her.

'I think I'd rather go against Damon.'


"Originally discovered five centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over hundred and forty-five years." Mr Tanner explains. "Now, the comet will be at its brightest right after dusk, during tomorrow's celebration." I see Tanner look at me and Natalie, but we're too busy staring at each other to care. "Are we bothering you? Mr Salvatore? Miss Gilbert?"

"Yes." Natalie answers, nodding her head making me smirk. Mr Tanner gives her a glare, going to say something but the bell rings, stopping him from doing so. I pack up my things before taking Natalie's hand, and pulling her behind me to my locker.

"So, I wanna give you something." I tell her making her look at me intrigued. "What is it?" She asks as I open my locker. I pull out a book and hand it to Natalie, watching a wide smile spread on her face as she takes it. "Holy shit."

"Wuthering Heights by Ellis Bell. On my god, I've been looking for this cover everywhere, but couldn't find it." She says, looking through the book carefully. "Yeah, well, I remember in English that you mentioned you love this book and I remembered I had it so I brought it in for you." I explain.

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