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The next day, Mir told Tianyu what her grandfather had said, and Tianyu agreed after thinking about it for a while.

After Mir left, Kashaar said dissatisfiedly: "Tianyu, why did you agree to her? There are many big houses. At worst, we can just ask Sals to find one for us. Why should we give her so many benefits?"
Tianyu shook her head with a wry smile, shaking her head, she said: "You are really, haven't you experienced human greed a long time ago? Mir's grandfather is the prime minister, which can be said to be a high-ranking official. I heard that he was also a senator of three dynasties."

"You can ask Sals to help us find a house, and it’s very simple, but this is equivalent to letting Sals offend the prime minister. Although we don’t ask for anything from others, and we are not afraid of him, we can cause less trouble when we go out."

"Now we have just started, there is no need to do it for A little money offends a troublesome person. Don't worry, Kashaar, I won't take anything from you. Just take his 5% and 25% share from me."
Kashaar said with a pout: "That's not what I meant, I just can't stand his behavior. And that Mir, why are you pretending to be a good person..."

Tianyu said with a smile: "Okay, don't worry about this trivial matter. You don't want to think about it. It's divided into components. It’s profit. Now we are the producers and the sellers. It’s not up to us to decide how much money we make. How much money we will share with him is not up to us. Whether he can find out is not what we give him."

Tianyu said with a sly smile on her face, she was actually very unhappy.

This was just the beginning, and someone was trying such a trick.

If she didn't resist, they would think she was easy to bully.
Kashaar suddenly became happy and said with a smile: "Tianyu, it turns out you are not stupid."
Tianyu: "..."
Then Tianyu handed over the decoration of the house and the display of goods to Kashaar and Phils, and hurried to see the orphans, and gave them the prepared props.
Tianyu led a group of people to get something.

After all the things were put away, Sophie and a group of orphans had surrounded Tianyu.

Miria looked at the props curiously and asked, "Is this what you prepared for the children?"
Tianyu raised her eyebrows: "Yes, this is a barbecue appliance invented by me. This one is used to barbecue. I call it the barbecue grill. That one is used to preserve food to prevent the food from spoiling. I call it the refrigerator. And that small treasure, but My latest invention is called a juicer."

Tianyu introduced her invention and usage with excitement.

The juicer was made by Tianyu using wind magic.

It is much more convenient and faster than the original manual production.
After listening to Tianyu's introduction carefully, Miria found that although these things were strange, they were easy to use, not dangerous, and not very laborious.

She thought that children could indeed do them, so she followed Tianyu's instructions and prepared the props first, and let Tianyu teach you how to make it.
Tianyu looked at Miria and said happily: "You haven't opened yet, so I will help you get a big order to deliver 10,000 mutton skewers and 500 lamb legs to the food restaurant every day."
Miria heard this was immediately startled: "So many?"
Tianyu said with a smile: "Why, you still think there is too much business?"
Miria frowned and said: "The question is where can we find so many bamboo sticks? Didn't you say Is it best to use bamboo sticks? These children are too slow to make bamboo sticks, and it is not dangerous. With so many bamboo sticks, even if all the knights from the Holy See come to make them, they can’t make them faster, and they can’t work all day long. I'm not doing anything, just cutting bamboo sticks here."
When Tianyu heard this, she felt a little confused.

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