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Tianyu has been a little idle recently.

It’s not that she’s really fine, but she’s lacking something.

She wants to farm, but there’s no fucking land.

If you want to go out, you don’t know what to rely on, so what are you going to do?

Besides, this group of Warcraft boys are not willing to let themselves go into danger alone, so Tianyu finally decided to use limited resources to help these Warcraft boys.

Come on.
To be honest, apart from themselves, the only natural enemies of Warcraft are humans and natural disasters.

Human problems must be solved slowly, so Tianyu has to deal with natural disasters first, and floods are the top priority.

If he wants to deal with floods, There are only two ways, either to open it up or to block it.

No matter what you do, you have to find a way out first.
So after explaining the reason, Tianyu climbed on Mother Lamia back, looking for traces of the flood, hoping to find the source of the flood.

Not to mention, they actually found it. And Tianyu also truly appreciated the size of Kasai Forest.

The entire Kasai Forest not only has peaks, but also valleys, plains, highlands, and hills. It covers all the basic terrain, and the source of the flood is the highest point, a highland in the center of the forest. This highland is really high, not only high, but also big.

The whole highland is surrounded by trees, and in the middle is a lake, a very big lake.

There is an island in the middle of the lake.

The island is not big or small.

There are What, Tianyu couldn't see because there was a big tree on the island that covered the entire island, so Tianyu could only see the leaves.
What depresses Tianyu the most is that there is a barrier on the entire highland, which cannot be entered from any direction.

After walking around the barrier several times, Tianyu was so anxious that she scolded her father on Mother Lamia's back.

(I can’t help it, my mother didn’t dare to scold me from below.)

Because Tianyu understood that this highland is like a big basin in the forest.

Usually, lake water passes through some gaps on the edge to supply the forest with daily water.

Most of the streams in the forest All the water sources are here, and once the water volume exceeds the limit of this basin, the excess water will fill up, because the gap is different every time, so the entire forest is in danger of being flooded, and the Warcraft simply Can't hide.   

Tianyu also learned that the mother spring water used by Mother Lamia's for pregnancy was found here.

The water here has a strong magical element, and some of the golden water droplets are the mother spring water.

Tianyu even wondered whether the reason why Kasai Forest became a World of Warcraft Forest was because of the lake.

The closer to the lake, the higher the level of the monster.

The further away from the lake, the lower the level of the monster.

The lake is like this.

The closer to the lake, the more magical elements there are in the lake.

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