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Tianyu is now completely accustomed to living with Long.

Tianyu has had to wean herself from the age of 3 because Lamia's mother really has no milk.

She couldn't feel full after eating fruit, so she started eating meat.

Of course, it was definitely not raw meat.

Although Lamia's mother is a water-type dragon, it's no problem for her to make a small fireball.

Looking back on the time when she foolishly used her little hands to roll around on the wood for a day, Tianyu felt that she was really stupid.

If she were not in good health, the skin on her hands would definitely peel off, but after so much effort, there was still no spark.

This made Tianyu almost crazy, or Lamia felt strange, why did the good daughter spin a piece of wood so hard, and asked Later, I realized that my daughter wanted to be angry, so she stretched out her hand and the fire started, which made Tianyu depressed for a long time.

After that, Tianyu and her sister Sam went through their mother's entire territory and found many ingredients, such as mushrooms, bracken, and a series of wild vegetables.

They also asked their mother to catch a rabbit and make them for themselves.

I bought an iron pot and shovel and started to cook my first meal after arriving in another world.

It was so satisfying to eat.

Later, Lamia and Sam couldn't stand it anymore.

After a little taste, they were destined to be together from now on.

Tianyu miserable life in the future, cooking for the two dragons, Tianyu feels like crying every time she thinks of her mother and sister's appetite.

Tianyu likes to eat very much.

When she was living on the earth, she had developed a lot of cooking skills in order to eat delicious food.

She has nothing to brag about, but she is definitely a master when it comes to eating, and she also has amazing talent in cooking.

I remember the chefs who taught her said that this child only exists to eat.

I don’t know whether to praise her or scold her.

Although Tianyu hasn't cooked for a long time since arriving in another world, and there aren't as many good seasonings as there are on Earth, Tianyu can still make delicious dishes with limited materials.

No salt?

No problem, dry grinding the mushrooms into powder will give you the same umami flavor.

No soy sauce?

It doesn't matter, I don't want this stuff in cooking, but I still need to study it in the future.

No chicken essence?

Damn, I used authentic chicken soup instead.

This chicken is still an authentic pheasant with magic, cool. In short, Tian Yu put all her thoughts on eating, and also made Lamia and Samir completely cut off raw food, and refused to eat food that was not processed by Tianyu.

Now Lamia has given Long a full meal and has completely changed her bad habit of not eating for several meals.

She would rather eat a little less every day, but also ensure that she has enough to eat every day.

As a result, Tianyu doesn't know whether it is better to cry or laugh, although she eats less each time, for a dragon, no matter how small it is, it still needs ten dishes, and it must be full of weight, and there is an appetite for a small dragon.

This makes Tianyu have no time to do anything except looking for food and cooking every day.

Other things.

On this day, Tianyu resignedly continued to look for food.

Suddenly she noticed that her mother was a little frowning and asked curiously: "Mom, what happened?"

Lamia frowned and said: "Didn't you notice that we often go to the place recently?"

Has the river swollen?

"There will be a flood in Kasai Forest every 20 years, and the flood will submerge a large area of the forest. At this time, I have to move, but every year there are many animals that are too late to move. Therefore, many animals will die every time, and the range of floods is not necessarily certain, and will change every time. Even I have to move several times during floods. I dare not sleep every day during floods, because I am afraid that I will fall asleep. If it doesn't, the water will come over." Lamia couldn't help shaking her body and feeling frightened as she recalled the floods every time.

Tianyu frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Mom, every time you take me to fly to the sky, can't you see a very big and very high rock? We can go there. The water will not rise. That high."

Lamia shook her head with a wry smile: "It's easy for you to say, you know, every time the water rises, it will rise for a month, and it will keep winding and raining, on that rock. It is bare and has no holes. Although it is very big, the top is pointed and rounded. It is not easy to stand firmly when it rains. If one accidentally falls, the consequences will be disastrous. And I have to take you with me this time. I can you do it without eating or drinking for a month?" As my mother said, the location and range of floods are uncertain.

How can we have a fixed and safe shelter?

After much deliberation, Tianyu still felt that the rock was the best. It was just a broken wall. It was so high and so big, so there was no cave. Then it would be okay to dig a hole.

So Tianyu shouted: "Mom, if there is no hole, we can just dig one. As for the food, we can store it first. You can use freezing to freeze the food and put some water in it. Isn't that enough?"

Lamia eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this, but then she dimmed again: "That's a good idea, but the problem is that it's too late. According to the current water level, it will take at least half a month for the flood to occur. , but we have so many things to do, how can we do it in time?"

Tianyu thought about it right.

It is indeed too late in terms of time.

The only working person in her family of three is her mother.

It is true that she wants to do so many things in such a short time.

It's impossible, but I don't want to give up like that.

Suddenly Tianyu eyes rolled and she thought of a good idea: "Mom, Mom, it's really too late for our family to do it, but we can find someone to do it together."

"But who?" Lamia tilted her head and thought, looking for People also have to find someone who is not a threat to themselves, otherwise the safety of their own family will not be guaranteed, but it cannot be done if they are too weak, and they are not stupid.

They have built a house and put themselves in it for you to raise as food.

Only fools do this, so they can only find someone with the same strength as themselves.

Tianyu thought for a while and said: "Mom, didn't you tell me last time that the nine-tailed fox gave birth to cubs? It's not easy for their family to carry the newborn fox in the flood. Also, that Flying Tiger King, didn't he also give birth to a cub recently..."

Lamia immediately reacted, yes, they are about the same strength as her, and they all have families, so they usually don't have any conflicts with her. Maybe it would be possible if we cooperated with them.

She nodded and said, "Okay, I'll ask right away." After saying that, she rushed to ask.

Tianyu immediately grabbed Lamia: "Mom, mom, wait a minute, how could you have gone through such a storm? People thought you were going to fight. Don't worry. We will go there together as a family tomorrow with gifts, so that there will be no It’s been misunderstood.”

Lamia thought it was right, so she agreed and started preparing for tomorrow’s visit.

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