Chapter 112

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They stepped out of the van and moved away from the vehicles for a moment. They stopped once they were out of earshot of the bodyguards.  Sara lowered her voice and leaned in to Simon, "I think I'll visit August in rehab this summer." She watched her brother's reaction carefully.

He paused for a moment, not entirely surprised, but also glad she was at least being honest about it.  "Ok."  He nodded and hugged his sister to him. Then she turned and headed up the hill alone to meet Felice at the Manor House.  

He watched her go, still not convinced that August could really care about anyone but himself, but he knew she felt responsible for what had happened, and he had to let his sister make her own decisions.  He remembered how devastated he'd been when Wilhelm had been in the hospital, and he couldn't blame Sara. He also couldn't protect her for the rest of her life. 

She disappeared out of view and Simon turned back toward Wilhelm and the black sedan where he was still speaking with his father. Simon stood back slightly and waited for them to finish but couldn't help overhearing, "-can wait. Maybe you'd like to enjoy your last night without worrying about it."

Wilhelm nodded, casting his eyes down at the ground then he glanced back at Simon for a moment.  He moved in to hug his father then, "Thank you, pappa."  He pulled away and waved goodbye then went to join Simon. Wilhelm reached out his hand to Simon who accepted it eagerly and they headed in to Forest Ridge together.

The halls were much quieter than normal.  Very few of the boys remained now that graduation was over. Nearly all of the third years were gone and the few first years that remained were packing their things last minute just as Simon realised he still had to do now.

Simon sighed, looking over his open suitcase in front of him on the floor.  He sat down, grabbed the purple hoodie and held it up in front of him, then carefully folded it and placed it on top of the rest of his clothes. 

Most of Wilhelm's things had been packed up and taken back to the palace while they'd been at the hospital.   He knelt down on his bed carefully pulling the photos from the wall then turning and setting them down in an orderly pile on his desk.

Simon was afraid to ask what Ludvig had meant about enjoying their last night without worrying.  He assumed it had to do with the regency and Wilhelm's new responsibilities that were likely to keep him away from Simon for most of the summer.  He might have no time for Simon at all in fact. Simon tried not to let his disappointment show.

Once Wilhelm had finished, he paused and looked down at the broken snowglobe beside the photos. He'd planned to pack it and take it as well, but now he paused and glanced back at Simon on the floor folding his clothes into his suitcase. He saw that Simon was quieter than usual. He turned and sat down in the chair beside the desk, watching him for a moment. 


Simon stopped and looked up at Wilhelm, still holding a T-shirt in his hands, "Hmm?"

"Is everything ok?"

"Um, yeah.  It just feels a bit strange after everything that's happened.  My mom says it's calmed down around our house at least, so it should be alright now."

"Yeah." Wilhelm nodded, smiling, then asked, "What do you want to do this summer?"

Simon furrowed his brow. "I'll probably just...hang out with Rosh and Ayub...spend some time with my mom and Sara too."

"Oh. Will you be able to spend any time with me?" Wilhelm asked, sticking out his bottom lip in a joking pout.

"I thought you'd be busy..." Simon frowned at him.

Wilhelm shook his head, "No...I was hoping to spend most of my time with you."

Simon raised an eyebrow, "Don't you have things to do for the regency?"

Wilhelm cleared his throat and shook his head slowly, "No."

Simon was puzzled, "Why not?"

 "Today I...told my dad...I don't want to be Crown Prince, or King." He explained hesitantly, unsure how Simon would feel about it.

Simon slowly set down the T-shirt and stared at Wilhelm, "What?"

Wilhelm swallowed, "Yeah. He said he'd tell my mom, but not until tomorrow."

"I thought you were...ok with it now." Simon stood up and moved to sit on the bed across from Wilhelm.

Wilhelm shook his head. "No. I still want to choose how I live, and I can't do that as Crown Prince."

"Ok." Simon was suddenly worried "You're sure about this?" He didn't want Wilhelm to regret an impulsive decision.

Wilhelm nodded, "I've never really wanted this. And I...don't want you or anyone else I care about to have to live like this either." 

Simon hesitated for a moment, contemplating Wilhelm and he suddenly realised Wilhelm was thinking about their future family. He couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his lips.

Finally he replied in a whisper, "Ok." He looked down at the floor, trying not to let Wilhelm see how happy it made him. The idea they could have a normal relationship away from the Royal Family and the public eye suddenly made him so happy he thought he might cry with relief.

Wilhelm saw that Simon's eyes lit up and he sighed. He stood and moved to sit beside Simon on the bed, "Is that ok?"

Simon knew it wouldn't be simple, but he was elated that Wilhelm could be free of all of it, that they could be free together. He scoffed and replied through his beaming smile, "Yeah. If it's what you really want...I'm just worried...what your mother will do."

Wilhelm nodded hesitantly. "Me too...I think...they're all gonna panic.  But I just want to be with you, Simon."

"But what if you can't go home?"

Wilhelm shook his head. "I feel at home now,  because you're here."

Simon looked away momentarily then turned back to Wilhelm and smiled slyly, "So, what should we do tonight?"

Wilhelm bit his lower lip and laughed as he suddenly understood. 

He leaned in and pressed his lips softly to Simon's. They pulled back for a moment and laughed softly.  Wilhelm paused, looking deeply into Simon's eyes.

"Jag älskar dig, Simon."

"Jag älskar dig."

Simon pulled Wilhelm close again before straddling his lap, cradling Wilhelm's head and kissing him passionately.

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