Chapter 77

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He felt soft curls caressing his eyelids and cheeks. He smiled and pulled their warmth closer, burying his nose in the scent and breathing it in deeply.

He felt the weight in the crook of his arm and the warmth of soft skin. He wished he could wrap himself up in the warmth and the scent, or wind himself around it to hold it there forever.

Suddenly something creaked in the old rafters above and he awoke with a start, inhaling sharply and pulling the pillow tighter to his chest.

His eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and he could make out the high ceiling overhead, then the enormous window.

It felt like such a long time since he'd slept in the palace that he always had trouble recognizing his room when he awoke there.

It had happened each of the three nights he'd spent in the palace so far and he still dreamt that Simon was there with him each time.

He wasn't used to the disappointment that came when he realised it wasn't true either.

He closed his eyes momentarily imagining how he'd been absolutely certain that they were together in their bed at Hillerska. 

He'd never felt as at home here as he had when he'd been with Simon.

He sighed as he remembered why he was alone, back in the cavernous, echoing room with creaky rafters and walls covered in gilded paper: Hillerska might actually cease to exist.

He lay flat on his back staring up at the ceiling that towered above.  He set the pillow down and took his phone from the bedside table.

It was only 4:17 am. He sat up and slid his feet into his slippers then crept out into the hallway.

He walked the corridors to pass the time.

The dim light of early dawn began to filter through the windows that lined the corridor. 

He slowly made his way through the palace, noting the presence of bodyguards every so often. 

They kept an eye on him from doorways but didn't speak to the Crown Prince.

Wilhelm saw they were making him aware of their presence in case it occurred to him to escape again, but he'd resigned himself to behave until August's trial ended, if he could.

If he'd thought he had a choice he would have left and gone directly to Simon's house, but he was at least keeping up the appearance of being under his mother's control again.  He wanted to prevent her from doing anything drastic.

He realised it was important to at least convince his mother he could fulfill his role as Crown Prince if August were convicted, even if he never planned to.

He wandered with no destination in mind. 

Then he passed the closed door to the family dining room and thought back to the dinner he'd shared with his parents that evening.


He pushed the food around his plate without bringing it to his mouth, hoping neither of his parents would notice.

His mother paused for a moment and looked up at Wilhelm when the silence had apparently become too heavy.

"Would you prefer Grennaskolan or Sigtunaskolan? They've already contacted us to offer you placements."

He glanced up at her in shock, still holding the fork over his plate.

"What? I'm not going to change schools...and they're hours away."

She studied her son, betraying very little in her expression.  Then she sighed and continued.

"You have to go somewhere, Wilhelm."

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