Chapter 93

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The sun was about to sink below the horizon as they pulled up to the imposing facade of the palace. They stepped out of the car and were immediately greeted by a stern Jan Olof.

He tried to appear welcoming, making an effort for Linda and the two police officers there watching them. They had stepped out of the car just behind and awaited instructions from the Crown Prince.

Linda and Simon hung back with them.  Then Wilhelm began to lead the way just behind Jan Olof.  He checked over his shoulder to make sure Simon and Linda were alright and finally they began to follow him.

Jan Olof turned back and spoke quietly to Wilhelm as they reached the top of the steps. "Her Majesty has asked that the police escort stay outside."

Wilhelm frowned and hesitated a moment but then turned and asked the officers to wait for them outside.

The two officers looked at one another reluctantly, but eventually agreed after Wilhelm reassured them they wouldn't be long and there would be no trouble. He was nervous but confident that his mother wouldn't want to cause any problems with the press there.

He glanced at the two press vans parked nearby then back at Simon and Linda who watched the interaction nervously until Wilhelm nodded for them to follow again.

Once inside they noticed the nearly empty corridors.  They glimpsed inconspicuous bodyguards every once in a while but the palace seemed strangely quiet all things considered.

Jan Olof led them to the Queen's office and held the door open for them to pass through and wait for her.

"Her Majesty will be in shortly." Jan Olof told them as he stood near the door.

Wilhelm nodded, skeptical and wondering what she was doing if she wasn't there to greet them.  He watched as Jan Olof carefully back out and close the door again.

Simon and Linda studied their surroundings.  They took their seats in front of Kristina's desk then continued to gaze around the elegant, gilded room. Linda particularly was in awe of their surroundings as she'd never been inside the palace before.

She tried to be optimistic, "If they want to speak to you about your future, it must be good, right?" 

Simon nodded reluctantly at her, being polite, but fully aware that his mother was naive. He knew how much the Royal Family and Court were capable of if it meant preserving their image and reputation.  He fully expected they'd hear the new plan to cover up August's crime before they heard anything about his future with Wilhelm.

Wilhelm approached the chair that was meant for him and Simon watched him curiously, sensing that he felt uneasy too.  Wilhelm softly brushed his fingers across the silk at the back of the chair but didn't move to sit down.  He was lost in his thoughts.

He wondered why they still hadn't been briefed about what they were expected to do regarding the press, but he didn't dare say anything to Simon or Linda.

He suspected that his mother and Jan Olof had planned to deny there was any truth to the report that a member of the Royal Family had made the video, but then what would they do?  August would be found guilty. He couldn't believe they would simply support Wilhelm with Simon now.  Not after everything they'd done.

Wilhelm had sent a message to his father shortly before they arrived, but he hadn't received a reply.

"Are you ok, Wille?" Simon asked finally.

Surprised, Wilhelm looked up at Simon. "Um, yeah.  I'm...going to go find her. I'll be back." He took his hand from the chair and moved to the door.

"What?" Simon asked, standing suddenly.

Wilhelm paused and turned back to Simon, "I won't be long. I just don't want to wait around for her." Wilhelm smiled weakly and tried to reassure Simon.

"I'll go with you." Simon offered without hesitation.

Wilhelm tried to refuse, suggesting that Simon stay with his mother, but Simon stood his ground and Linda insisted she'd be fine, seeing that Simon was worried about Wilhelm.

Wilhelm conceded grudgingly and opened the door for them to slip quietly out into the corridor.

They were immediately faced with the bodyguard posted there beside the door who turned to face them at the sound of the creaking hinges.

"Kronprinsen, Her Majesty wants you to wait in her office."

Wilhelm looked him up and down, then told him, "She can call me if I'm not back." He signaled to Simon and they stepped around the bodyguard, continuing down the corridor without waiting for a reply.

The bodyguard touched his earpiece and spoke quietly into it as he watched Wilhelm and Simon hurry away from him and turn the corner out of sight.  


"What are we really doing, Wille?" Simon whispered, narrowing his eyes at Wilhelm, aware that there was more going on than Wilhelm was saying. 

Wilhelm paused and turned to Simon, smirking and scoffing at once.  He'd been so focussed on their destination he hadn't realised how obvious he was.

He brought his hand up and rubbed the back of his neck anxiously as he explained, "I just don't want to wait to find out what they're up to."

Simon furrowed his brow at Wilhelm,"Do you think they'll deny it?" He whispered, scanning down the corridor to keep an eye out for any other guards. 

Wilhelm continued to rub his neck and shrugged then nodded.  "I don't know...Yeah." He gave Simon a sad smile. 

They moved on until Wilhelm finally slowed down, scanning the empty hallways and taking Simon's hand. He silently pulled him into a darkened room.  They crept through and into the adjoining room, also dark and empty, except for the dim light of the fading sunset that came through the windows. Then they noticed the light filtering through the cracks around the door to the next room and heard the muffled conversation taking place beyond the door.  

Wilhelm knew this particular door led to the sitting room where the Royal Family always gave their press statements and interviews.  It was the room where he'd sat with Rosenqvist months before and denied being in the video.

They crept forward and Wilhelm pressed his ear against it, feeling the cool, wooden panel against his cheek.  He motioned for Simon to do the same. They looked into each other's eyes as they focussed on the voices coming from the other side.

"It was shocking...for all of us."

"Do you know who it was that contacted the media?"

"No. We don't know who would have done this." 

Wilhelm squinted his eyes as if it would somehow help him hear more clearly and pressed his ear tighter against the door.

"...the idea that it could be a member of the Royal Family who released the video is just...unconscionable. Do you have any idea why someone would say that, Your Majesty?"

There was a slight pause and Wilhelm met Simon's eyes as they waited impatiently for Kristina's answer.

"We never would have expected it...but it was a member of our family."

Wilhelm felt his heart begin to pound in his chest. He tried to hold Simon's gaze but his vision became fuzzy and his ears began to ring at once.  Simon reached out to take Wilhelm by the shoulder and steady him, asking in a whisper, "Are you ok, Wille?" 

Wilhelm shook his head and pressed his ear against the door once more, determined not to miss anything.

"The worst part is that we trusted this person to take care of our son..."  

Wilhelm's jaw dropped and Simon froze in disbelief.  They stared into each other's eyes as they listened, stunned.

"...August Horn is the one who released the video."

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