Chapter 42

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This time he'd slept with it clutched in his hand as he dozed next to Simon.  Before they'd gone back to bed he sent a message to let Felice know that it had disappeared and what they'd done about it.

She hadn't received the message by the time they'd fallen asleep again since there wasn't any cell coverage down in the woods, but Wilhelm wasn't concerned.

He opened his eyes and was still holding the pen drive as he lay on his side next to Simon who was fast asleep.  He felt anxious and unprepared but as he watched Simon sleep peacefully, it made him feel peaceful again too.  He smiled to himself and couldn't help but lean forward carefully and kiss Simon's forehead.

Simon furrowed his brow as Wilhelm's lips tickled his skin. Simon breathed in deeply as he awoke, then exhaled and stretched, still with his eyes closed.

He opened them finally and smiled to see Wilhelm there.

"You always watch me sleep." Simon looked at him, teasing.

"I'm always awake before you." Wilhelm smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

Suddenly they heard doors opening and closing down the hall, and loud conversation from the other boarders who were just back from camping.

"Fucking mosquitoes! What a pain in the ass!  Jesus Christ!"

"I know. I found a tick too."

They recognized Vincent's and Nils' voices.

"Fuck camping!"

Simon scoffed at them then asked Wilhelm. "Time to go?" Wilhelm nodded and slid out of bed.


They left the room together once the noise in the halls had died down a bit. They wanted to avoid questions and avoid being seen leaving Forest Ridge and the school grounds if possible.

Just as they reached the exit of Forest Ridge, August walked through the door carrying a bag over his shoulder.  The three of them stopped in their tracks, looking each other up and down.

August smirked as he noticed the effect he had on them. They both looked surprised to see him, then disgusted, and August loved it.

They said nothing to him and he went to move past them.  He came in then turned to look back over his shoulder.

Wilhelm and Simon looked at each other discreetly before continuing on as well.

There was never really any doubt for Wilhelm but when he'd looked into August's eyes in that brief moment it was immediately evident that he'd taken it, and he was proud.

"You went in my room..." Wilhelm suddenly decided to confront August.

August stopped in his tracks and turned back to face him putting on an expression of mock bewilderment.

"What?" He furrowed his brow and shook his head, but he couldn't hide that he was on the verge of sneering in amusement.

"Where is it?"  Simon turned and looked at Wilhelm then, shocked that Wilhelm had just come out and said it, and to August of all people.

"I really don't know what you mean, Wille.  Sorry."  Then he turned and walked away because he was unable to hold back the sneer any longer and had to hide his face.

August went up the stairs.  Wilhelm gestured to Simon that they should continue out quickly. 

As soon as they were outside, Simon had to ask. "Why did you tell him we knew he took it?" 

Wilhelm answered calmly. "How would we not know? No one else would have taken it.  I want him to think he has the only copy."

He felt a certain satisfaction that he was carrying another just inside his pocket then and August had no idea.

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