Chapter 61

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"August. If you need me..." Boris called after him hopefully as Minou began to lead him away down the corridor. She observed Boris as if he were an annoyance, but didn't quite seem to understand what she'd just prevented.

August lifted his chin, acknowledging Boris' offer and gave a look of apprehension, then he hesitantly turned to follow Minou away. They went down the corridor and made their way to the exit.

Boris shook his head, disheartened that they'd had such bad luck. He wished he could protect August from the Royal Court, but he knew that if he were too pushy, he could discourage August from accepting his help altogether.

Boris desperately hoped that his words had affected August enough that he'd find the strength to resist the Court on his own. He also hoped that at least knowing Boris was there supporting him would help him to do the right thing.

Boris also wondered how long it would take the Court to discard August as soon as he no longer served their current purpose if that came first.

Boris turned and headed toward his office then, deeply discouraged and still shaking his head.

As he passed by Anette's door, he could hear muffled conversation still taking place inside. He didn't linger to eavesdrop, but instead hurried down the hall.

He was concerned about what he suspected they must be discussing, but thought it better to avoid the others at least until the police arrived.

As he reached his own door, he heard Anette's open behind him and he turned to see the group of teachers file out, still apparently unsettled by the looks they gave him.

He greeted them quickly and quietly then turned away and tried to slip inside his office unnoticed. Unfortunately Anette suddenly appeared at her door and fixed her gaze on him.

"Boris! Can I speak to you a moment?" She asked sternly and stood back to make way for him to come through without awaiting his reply.

He hesitated, pursing his lips, then nodded, sighing quietly and went to follow her inside. "Mm."


Detective Andersson pulled up to the school building and parked in a rush. He stepped out of the car, slamming the door and walked across the gravel parking lot, adjusting his glasses that tended to slide down the bridge of his nose.

He glanced around and felt relief that there was no sign of the Royal Court anywhere. He wondered if he'd gotten lucky and beat them to the school. He headed straight up the hill to the staff building.

As he made his way up, he saw an older, bearded man who looked very upset, carrying a cardboard box of his belongings down toward the carpark.

The detective gave him a quizzical glance as they passed each other, but the older man didn't pause or even meet his eyes as he went. He was clearly too distracted. The detective made a note to himself that he would ask casually about it once he'd found the headmistress.

As he approached the building he noticed another older man, evidently a member of staff too, standing near the entrance and speaking to a dark-haired woman with glasses. They were speaking in hushed voices and also seemed upset.

He had the distinct feeling that it wasn't a normal day at Hillerska, and that was to be expected considering all that had happened just that morning.

"Excuse me, hello! I'm looking for the headmistress...Anette...Lilja, I think." He gave them a friendly smile as he approached, attempting to put them at ease.

The older man glanced up at him, taken aback, then looked back at the dark-haired woman briefly before replying.

"Can I...say who's asking for her?" He wrinkled his brow.

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