Chapter 98

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"Maybe you would have come out then if your family had told you the truth."  Rickard studied Wilhelm and saw that he was anxious.

Wilhelm shook his head and replied hesitantly. "I didn't want to say anything."

Rickard nodded then affected a sympathetic tone.  "And no one would have blamed you, especially at sixteen.  But your family forced you to lie..."

Wilhelm blinked and shifted his gaze nervously toward Simon then back.

"...and they knew from the beginning, but kept it from you. How did that make you feel?"

Rickard's comment brought Wilhelm's thoughts back to the moment he'd rushed out of the gym, away from August and into the dark, cold night where he'd immediately phoned his mother, desperate for her help and protection.  He knew that once she heard what August had done to him she would be furious and come to his defense.

But she already knew, and she'd done nothing.  She didn't punish August, and she didn't protect Wilhelm.

He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head slowly. "I don't..." The words stuck in his throat.  Rickard was right and Wilhelm didn't know what he could say.  He couldn't defend her or the Court.  He couldn't justify protecting them.

Rickard turned to the audience then. "All because they didn't want the world to know the Crown Prince was sleeping with a boy."

Wilhelm frowned, staring at the back of Rickard's head. Then he spoke, but his voice was low and gravelly.

Rickard turned back, surprised at the sound. "I'm sorry, Kronprinsen?"

Wilhelm cleared his throat and lifted his chin.  " I said: that I was in love with a boy.  With Simon."

Rickard eyes got wide and he hesitated a moment before proceeding again.

"Ah, hmm. Well, then all the more reason you must have felt betrayed by your family?"

Wilhelm considered the question, narrowing his eyes at Rickard, and without shifting his gaze this time, he replied defiantly, "I felt as betrayed by them as I had by August."  


Wilhelm was excused quickly and Rickard prepared to make his closing statement. 

August hesitated then turned to his stepfather, whispering.  Rickard wrinkled his brow and shook his head but August was persistent, his movements becoming more aggressive as Rickard refused then finally gave in. "Fine!" 

Rickard stood abruptly and approached the bench to speak to the Judge.  The room watched him, curious and confused.

"What's going on?" Wilhelm whispered to Simon who shook his head watching Rickard's back.

The Judge dropped her chin in a quick nod and Rickard turned and went back to the defense's table. 

The Judge made the announcement as Rickard stood beside August, staring down at him. 

"The defendant has asked to speak before final statements are made."

August rose to his feet beside Rickard, towering over him for a moment, then he moved past and made his way to the stand. 

He climbed the steps and turned to face the room as he took his seat.  He immediately dropped his gaze, unable to meet the eyes of his observers.

"What would you like to say to the court?" Rickard asked him through gritted teeth.

August took a deep breath.  His voice came out in a rasp, "That I regret what I did. That I'm sorry to the people I hurt. I'm sorry to Crown Prince Wilhelm..." Wilhelm furrowed his brow, surprised but suspicious as ever of August and his motives, " Simon, and his family..." August glanced up at them briefly but Sara refused to meet his gaze so he continued, "I'm sorry to Alexander, and to my mother...and to my father, and to Erik-"  His voice broke and he had to clear his throat before continuing.  "I know they would be ashamed of me too." 

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