17. Reconciliation

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At Micke's apartment the next evening...

"I'm glad to see you again, Simon. I'm sorry it's not under better circumstances."

Micke smiled sadly as he packed his belongings into boxes. Simon nodded as he stood by Micke and handed him a framed picture from the shelf nearby. Micke set it on top of the contents of the cardboard box he was working on.

Micke had intentionally hidden from Simon that the Royal Court's legal team had advised him to confess to everything because he knew that Simon would try to stop him.

Now he was organizing his apartment with the expectation that he wouldn't be living in it much longer because he would likely be going away for some time. He was free as he waited for his hearing to take place, and then soon after he would probably be sentenced.

He hoped it would be taken into account that he had fully cooperated with the police in their interviews and investigation.

Micke suspected that they knew Simon had more to do with the drugs at Hillerska, but they were choosing to ignore it or unable to find concrete proof of it.

Henrik had suggested that the police were likely more interested in getting Micke off the street than bothering to prosecute a sixteen year old who was also the Crown Prince's boyfriend.

"Pappa, you can't take the blame for what I did. It's not right. They'll be more lenient on me because I'm only sixteen. We have to tell them the truth."

Simon had been distraught and insisting on telling the truth since the previous night when he'd finally gotten a hold of Micke and realised that it was too late because he'd already confessed and taken the blame for dealing at Hillerska too.

"Simon...you'd still be expelled, and you'd lose all the opportunities that that school can give you. We can't let your life be ruined for mistakes you've made at sixteen."

Simon looked at his father and didn't understand how he could accept that this was the price of preserving Simon's future. And almost as if he'd heard Simon's thought, Micke continued.

"Honestly, I didn't think my life could have gotten any worse. I ruined all of my relationships: with you, with Sara, with your mother..."

Simon shook his head for a moment but then stopped. He didn't see the point of lying to his father.

"I mean, we can try to be close again. I don't expect our family to be like it was before, but I think this time away could actually help me." Micke explained.

"How could it help you?" Simon furrowed his brow at Micke.

"I'll have to get clean. I won't have a choice...and hopefully when I get out, we can start again. And I can get on with my life, but sober." He gave Simon a half smile.

Simon looked away from Micke for a moment. He remembered when he'd accused Micke of using anything to get high or drunk and felt the guilt hit him.

Simon moved to the sofa and sat down as he tried to process what was going on. He leaned forward with his elbows propped on his thighs and rested his chin in his hands as he stared into space.

Micke watched Simon silently, then closed the flaps of the box they'd been filling and went over to sit next to him. He glanced at Simon sideways.

"It'll be ok, Simon. You have to think about yourself sometimes." Simon turned to the side and looked at him skeptically.

"So what are you going to do now?" Micke asked.

Simon frowned at his father. "What do you mean?"

"Well, about Wilhelm...and his family."

Young Royals Season 3 (Version 3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz