Chapter 67

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Simon shut Wilhelm's bedroom door behind them leaving the policeman standing in the hallway outside.

Wilhelm had suddenly stopped in the middle of the room.  "What's wrong?" Simon asked.

Wilhelm let out a quick chuckle then answered, "It has to be my dad." Simon came forward to stand next to Wilhelm and noticed the two large suitcases next to the desk and the phone sitting on top of it.

Wilhelm went forward to take it in his hand and unlocked the screen. The most recent message was from Ludvig.

Pappa: Wilhelm, you can stay at Hillerska now. Mamma doesn't want to fight about it anymore. She has other things to worry about. August and his parents were here last night, then they left after they spoke to the legal team. Mamma wants me to ask you not to get involved when the investigation begins at the school, but that's up to you. I want to make sure you know that Mamma does love you. I know it's hard to see it now, but things will get better. Love, pappa.

Wilhelm glanced at Simon and handed him the phone to read Ludvig's message.

"They're planning his defense." Simon shrugged his shoulders and handed the phone back.

Wilhelm nodded and took the phone back. " doesn't matter. There's too much evidence against him.  It won't work." He assured Simon.

"Do you think you'll ever forgive you mom?" The question surprised Wilhelm.

"Mm, I don't think she even gets that she's doing anything wrong." He furrowed his brow, then sighed.

Simon shook his head and reached out to touch Wilhelm's waist as they stood there looking down at the suitcases.

"At least she's not fighting you staying at school anymore." He tried to reassure Wilhelm too.

"Not for now." He smiled sadly, looking down at Simon's hand on his waist. He turned and put his arms around Simon's shoulders, pulling him into a hug. Simon wrapped both arms around Wilhelm too.

After a moment Wilhelm pulled back and asked. "'re staying here now, right?"

Simon shrugged and glanced around at the posters and pictures on the walls, then looked over at his keyboard on the second bed. "I've basically already moved in." 

Wilhelm glanced around too and nodded, smiling. "Let's get the rest of your stuff?"

Simon nodded, smiling back at him. They moved to the door and headed down the corridor to Simon's room. The policeman followed them and stood outside to wait again.

As they collected Simon's things, Wilhelm thought that although it was doubtful they could ever live together in an apartment like normal people, at least they could live together for as long as they were at Hillerska.


"Detective Andersson." He introduced himself as he stood and stretched out his hand, moving toward August as he came into the room.

He nodded and shook the man's hand. "August Horn." Then he sat down between his mother and Rickard.

Andersson moved back to his seat across from them and smiled before getting straight to the point.

"You've...been reported for releasing the video of Crown Prince Wilhelm and Simon."

August furrowed his brow and bit his lower lip. He swallowed the lump in his throat and he heard his mother release her breath next to him.

It had already been difficult to watch his mother hear what the Royal Court had to say about what August had done, and now the police were coming for him.

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