14. Colliding

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She clasped her left wrist in her right hand in front of her and stood with her feet hips' width apart. She stood back as Micke opened the door.

"Hello..." Micke greeted Malin. Immediately they were surprised to see that Wilhelm had been hidden behind her as they'd looked through the peephole. Micke's eyes got wide and his jaw dropped.

Micke was completely unprepared to find the Crown Prince of Sweden at his front door in the middle of the night.

"Hej, Wille." Simon greeted him shyly. Simon suddenly felt a pang of guilt and his eyes got wide. "Sorry! I meant to message you."

"It's ok. I hope you don't mind...Ayub gave me the address. I wanted to see if I could help. My mother told me something had happened but didn't say what exactly."

Simon smiled sadly and nodded at Wilhelm. Micke saw the look that passed between them, then realised that his nosy neighbors might come out at any moment and see that he had the Crown prince at his apartment door talking about how the Queen of Sweden had phoned him.

"Why don't you both come in?" He offered quietly to Wilhelm and Malin.

Micke and Simon stood to one side for them. Malin smiled and stepped back for Wilhelm to go ahead of her.

Once they were inside, Malin kept to the doorway of the living room as the three others sat down on the sofa. Wilhelm looked around smiling considerately as he took in his surroundings, including the keyboard off in the corner near the kitchen.

Malin surveyed the apartment discreetly to be sure no one else was there. She could tell by looking at Micke that he'd been drinking heavily for some time but that he was currently mostly sober.

Simon and Wilhelm sat next to each other across from Micke. The three looked at each other awkwardly, then Wilhelm decided to break the silence.

"You have a lovely home." He smiled at Micke who smiled back, nervous and fidgeting, almost feeling as though he had to make excuses, having royalty sitting in his apartment unexpectedly.

"Thank you...eh, Kronprinsen?"

"It's fine. You can call me Wille." He shook his head as he said it, feeling embarrassed that Simon's family would ever feel they had call him by his title.

"Ah...ok." Micke replied, forcing a nervous smile.

After a short pause Wilhelm asked, "So, can I help somehow?"

Simon and Micke's eyes met, then Micke looked down before addressing Wilhelm again.

"Simon, Sara and the attorney had just left, and as I was about to go to my car, the police called me back in..."

Then Micke told them how it went...

Micke turned back to look at the officer again, his eyes wide.

"I'm sorry?"

"It'll just take a few minutes." The officer insisted.

Once they'd gone back inside to a much smaller interview room and settled into their seats again, the male officer began his questions.

"I'm just really trying to understand how your medication would have ended up with a Hillerska student."

"Um, well...I noticed that some of my medication went missing a couple months ago." Micke desperately tried to find a plausible explanation that wouldn't implicate either he or Simon.

"So, you believe someone stole it?"

"I thought it might have been stolen...but I wasn't sure." His mind was racing and trying to keep at least a few steps ahead of the officer.

"Ok. So did you report the theft?"

"I...no. Since I wasn't sure that I hadn't misplaced it, I didn't want to file a report."

"Ah. I see...do your children ever take medication from you?"

"No, of course not." Micke didn't hesitate and shook his head adamantly.

"Ok. Well, on another topic, I wondered if you'd heard the rumors..."

"I'm sorry?" Micke was puzzled.

"Since we received these reports, one of the investigating officers did a background check on you, and we interviewed your neighbors." The officer spoke slowly and deliberately.

"Oh...?" Micke's mouth fell open as he watched the officer. His mind was racing and he didn't know what else to say but he could tell that his nervous body language was giving too much away.

"Several of them confirmed that you've been selling alcohol illegally...mostly to minors."

Micke decided to stay silent then as the officer spoke.

"So we started to wonder if maybe you saw an opportunity to start selling medication to wealthy students once your children began attending at Hillerska."

"No." He shook his head adamantly, knowing he should say as little as possible.

"So, did anyone ever break into your home before you noticed medication missing?"

Micke's breathing and heart rate were accelerated. He shook his head very slightly. "I don't know."

Micke thought it wasn't worth denying what he'd done but he also knew he had to protect Simon, and Sara, at all costs. On the spot he couldn't come up with any other way that his medication would have ended up at Hillerska if there was no break-in. And there would be no evidence of one.

"So...I've been trying to think of how this could have happened...and there are a few possibilities I've come up with."

Micke watched him skeptically but said nothing.

"Someone broke in and stole from you, then sold your medication in the school that your children attend. You sold medication to students at Hillerska on your own the way you've been doing with alcohol. Simon stole the medication from you and sold it to his classmates. Or you and Simon worked together to sell at Hillerska..."

Micke looked around the room that was feeling smaller and smaller as he listened to the officer. "I think I need an attorney."

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