Chapter 78

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Wilhelm tidied his room frantically, straightening his bed covers for the second time.  Simon was scheduled to arrive soon and Wilhelm had trouble containing his nervous anticipation. 

He'd asked his mother early that morning. She'd been skeptical at first but Wilhelm had explained how it was the only way they could see each other discreetly.

Wilhelm hadn't actually seen any coverage of the trial.  He assumed there had been some secretive deals made to keep the trial out of the press as long as possible, by August's stepfather presumably, and certainly with the help of the Royal Court.  

It had been surprisingly easy for Wilhelm to convince his mother. It made him suspicious in fact, but it occurred to him that she might see it as Simon and Wilhelm's last time together.

It still felt raw to Wilhelm that he and Simon had been made to suffer for the video while August was still managing to avoid being exposed for what he'd done. 

But Wilhelm decided he could probably live with that as long as August went to prison eventually.

Kristina hadn't told Wilhelm anything regarding her choice of school for him and he didn't ask her because he didn't care.  He still had no intention of changing schools.  He was only concerned because he wasn't sure how long he had before she tried to force him to leave Hillerska and Simon behind.

He looked himself over once more in the antique wall mirror. He imagined Simon standing next to him looking into the mirror and he smiled.

Wilhelm's phone buzzed. He glanced down and pulled it out of his pocket.

Felice: He said he isn't interested. 🙁 What do we do?

Wilhelm looked at the message, chewing his lower lip as he thought then he started to write back. 

Wilhelm: I'll see-

He was interrupted by the knock at the door before he could finish. He locked his phone screen slid it back in his pocket then turned to look back toward the door.

"Yes?" He asked loudly.

"Kronprinsen, your guest has arrived." Came the answer from the corridor.

Wilhelm lifted his wrist and looked at Erik's watch.  It was still early.  He was confused for a moment but then felt the rush of nerves.

"I'll be right there!"

Wilhelm took one last look at himself in the mirror, brushing his hair back with his palm again, then he rushed out of his room.


Simon stood in the foyer timidly glancing around at the enormous portraits of past monarchs as he waited for Wilhelm. 

He heard footsteps coming down the small staircase that led up to Wilhelm's room and turned to see the Crown Prince smiling down at him.

The guard standing in the doorway nearby looked away from them very discreetly to give them privacy.

Wilhelm noticed how Simon seemed to shrink into himself in the the middle of the imposing room and felt protective suddenly.  He descended the few steps and went forward to greet him.

"Hej."  Wilhelm said quietly, giving him a shy smile as he stepped close and reached out to touch Simon's arm.

Simon smiled back up at Wilhelm, still uncertain. "Hej."

They both hesitated a moment and glanced over at the guard before Wilhelm motioned for Simon to follow him back up the stairs.


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